Chapter 13

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Hours later they arrived in Denver. It was sunny morning, with beautiful views of the mountains around. But Regina hadn't registered it at all, because thoughts about their conversation occupied her mind. Now he knew almost everything about her but one thing. She hadn't told him that that night backfired at her for the third time and that it had cost her another job because only a close circle of high-ranking persons knew about ROTOR.

All three of her guests were awake when they spotted a big ad for the open-air market.

"Hey, can we make a detour there? I need my veggies to stay in my glorious shape," Darius jumped in his seat and moved his head between her and Marcus' seat.

The last thing what she wanted to do was to go to the market and stroll between a large section of vegetables and fruits and a significant amount of people. She was so tired, not only physically, but morally also.

"What about others? Let's vote," she said tiredly.

"I'd like to go there too; I want to taste what your soil is offering." Marcus looked fresh after he'd fell asleep a couple of hours ago, and sheepishly looked at her, "It won't take long. Right after that, we'll go to the hotel. I promise."

She glanced in the rearview mirror at Kos, who was looking back at her almost pleadingly, "I thought, that you're a protein guy with all your mass, but okay, I take it as you also want to go."

He grunted, and half smiled back. Three to one. She sighed and turned to the market.

It was a huge field of tents with vendors who offered their ecologically clean products. Or so they said to everyone, who came closer to look at their offerings. All kinds of vegetables, fruits, salads, greenery, herbs, and even spices and nuts. To say that there were a lot of customers was nothing. The market was swarming with them, and it seemed that everyone was obsessed with eco-products. She even heard someone asking what kind of fertilizers they used and was disgusted after hearing a couple of answers. It didn't mean that she didn't know about using shit for growing but learning something in school and hearing it now were two different things, and she doubted that she would eat veggies in the near future. Brr...

But the guys were all over everything. They were like kids in a toy room. Who could have ever thought? All three of them were with big paper bags each, with a lot of eco-goodies in them. A lot of products they saw for the first time and wanted to taste it. For half of them, she didn't even know how to cook it. Like artichokes, squashes, or asparagus.

They stopped at one tent, where boys wanted to buy nuts. In front of them was an old couple, who were asking the seller something in another language, and he was standing in a stupor with wide eyes, not knowing what to do, because he couldn't understand them. The couple was frustrated and gesticulating, trying to explain to him what they want when Marcus greeted the couple in another language.

"Is that...Japanese?" she said.

"Chinese," Marcus said. "Mandarin, to be specific." Then he stunned her by talking back in rapid-fire Chinese to the vendors.

They turned to him, faces happy, and in a rapid staccato of syllables started talking with him.

"They're asking you if these macadamia nuts are truly from China?" Marcus asked the seller, who exhaled in relief and with a sincere smile confirmed its origin.

Marcus translated and helped them to place the order. The happy couple went away, and Marcus stood a bit taller, as if proud of what he did.

The equally happy three Marsikons went away from the tent with her. Darius and Kos were eating almond like there was no tomorrow. Marcus offered her his bag of pistachios, and she gladly dug into them, sipping her water from the bottle in between.

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