Chapter 15

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After twenty minutes or so, Kos and Darius calmed down, and Regina opened her door and emerged again, "Is there food yet?"

"If chips and nuts were what you called food arriving, then I ate all of it," Darius called back from the big dark brown leather sofa.

Regina walked out of the room, and Marcus' breath caught in his throat. Her skin was damp from the shower; her long hair was fanned around her shoulders, also wet. She was only in the big white fluffy towel, which was tied up around her breasts and torso, barely reaching the mid-tight. She looked at Marcus searching his face; her brow furrowed a bit.

"You did order the food, right?"

He couldn't speak.

What did she ask? His gaze wanted to roam around her body, but he plastered his gaze to her face. When he felt the lack of oxygen, he made a big audible gulp of air, and she asked him, "Are you okay?"

"No, I mean, no, we didn't order food," he looked away. "We don't know how." He hated the fact that he couldn't do such a simple task.

He waited for her to start screaming at him or beat him again, but he heard her husky chuckle instead. He turned to look at her and saw her palm clamping up her mouth when chuckle became an open-mouthed laugh. She was laughing so hard, that she almost dropped her towel.

"Big bad boys from Mars, who are saving the planet don't know how to order food. Who could believe that." Her laugh was almost hysterical. "What would you do without me?" she asked no one in particular and went past him to the desk where the phone was.

"We would starve to death," his lips tightened in a sheepish smile.

"I wouldn't. I can always find something to eat," Darius chimed in.

"We have plenty of vegetables by the way," Marcus added.

"After I heard today what they use for fertilizers, and when I saw that tomato trying to possess your soul, I think I'll stick to the big ol' burger and fries. Would you like something?"

When everyone agreed on burgers, she picked up the phone and told someone the order of burgers, fries, and more beer.

"See? Easy," she turned to him with a smile, her eyes were shining with mirth, and he felt himself moving towards her. He didn't know what he intended to do, but he barely stopped himself from hugging her. She was so gorgeous. Her caramel skin was shining and inviting for his touch. His cheeks were flaming, and he could tell, that she saw it. She looked him in the eyes for a little too long, without saying anything.

They stood like that until Darius cleared his throat, "Excuse me, you're in front of the TV, move a bit, would you?"

The magic of the moment was broken, she looked away unsure what to do, "I, ah, I'm going to dry my hair, and then we'll eat."

She went back to her room, her unique scent lingering behind, and Marcus felt like he was intoxicated with it.

Darius was looking at him thoughtfully for a change. "Don't do anything you would regret after."

Kos only shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything.

Those cryptic words returned him to reality. He was here on a mission, and he needed a clear head to end it. "Give me that beer to try."

"Are you sure? You won't do something stupid after?" Darius could be as laid back, as he could be serious. From the look at him, you would never realize, that he was very knowledgeable. His brain was like a computer that processed a lot of information simultaneously, and he could see any situation from various angles in seconds.

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