Chapter 5: Part 2 ~ Gil

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Shelly offered to give him a ride and help him get all his government paperwork straight after work the next day. Though he had acquired his I.D. early on, Gil had to get a start on his health insurance through Fresh Forest. He also had to establish a family doctor so he could look into medication for his rut. Shelly was surprisingly calm when he quietly explained that medication had never been able to repress his rut. He was still searching for a drug that worked.

"It happens." She gave a shrug. No sign of judgement, and Gil was grateful. "What do you normally do for your rut? We hear all kinds of weird rumors about stuff they do in Old Meri. Heaters passed around and shit. I mean, I don't hold to rumors, but I have no clue what rutters do behind closed doors, man."

It was odd to Gil, how normal it felt talking about this subject with a beta. Shelly spoke so clinically about it all that it was like he was speaking to his doctor. "Honestly? My family claimed my beast was out of control so I would always chain myself up in my room."

Her eyes widened and she made a visible effort not to take her eyes off the road as she drove. "The fuck, dude? That sounds...extreme."

It was Gil's turn to shrug. "I guess it could be seen that way, but it wasn't uncommon in my family. I tend to black out when my beast comes out, so I have no idea what it does or says. I'm happy to chain myself up if it keeps others safe."

"Hmm." The dark-haired woman didn't seem convinced, but she dropped the subject. "Broch mentioned that you guys are going jogging this evening. I hope you're in good shape, my dude. He's a monster when it comes to working out."

"Really? Broccoli?" Gil found that hard to believe. The man wasn't tiny like Terri, but he certainly seemed small in the muscle department compared to Anthony.

"Trust me, kid. I tried jogging with him once and I had to back out after two goes. I used to run track in school, but that fucker left me winded."

Gil barked a laugh. "I look forward to the challenge."

* * * * *

Broch's workout clothes were not as flashy as the attire he usually wore outside of work, but it was still striking. Gil found himself sucking in a breath as he met the taller man at a small park a few blocks from his apartment, his eyes drinking the beautiful man in. He wore a tight, bright blue v-neck t-shirt and matching running shorts. The shorts shoved off the delectable curve of his ass and Gil found his mouth watering at the sight. Maybe Shelly had been right about Broch being an amazing runner. He did have thick, hard thighs. Don't be a pervert. This is your friend.

"Hey!" Broch called with a wave. "You made it!"

"Am I late?" Gil hoped he wasn't blushing as he approached the man.

"No, no. Just didn't know if you would back out or not. Some people prefer the gym, but I don't care for running on a treadmill. I'd rather be outdoors."

"Same." Gil couldn't help smiling when Broch pulled him into a warm side hug. The guy was so damn cheerful, it was contagious.

"I'll take it easy on you today, but you better keep up." Broch said as he began to stretch.

When they finally began to jog, slowly at first, Gil found the silence with Broch by his side was just as comfortable as their conversations were. And when the man picked up speed after a lap around the park's dirt trail, giving a playful wink as he passed Gil, he found himself grinning as he sped up to match him. I do like a challenge.

Ruts & Heats: A Kink Omegaverse StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora