Chapter 11 ~ Gil

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"You okay?"

Gil, still panting, opened his eyes to find Broch curled up beside him, stroking his cheek. How come every time he looked at him, he seemed to grow more beautiful? I want those lips on mine. It struck Gil that after everything they had done to each other tonight, they hadn't even shared a real kiss. Fixing that right now.

Leaning up on his hands, he crawled over until he was straddling the man. The smile Broch gave him as he gazed up, running a hand through Gil's still-damp hair, was breathtakingly sweet. I could easily fall in love with him.

"Can I kiss you?" Gil asked tenderly.

"Of course. In fact, I insist." Broch pulled his head down and their lips finally met.

Broch's pink lips were just as soft as Gil had imagined. The kiss started out gentle, their mouths merely moving at a leisurely pace. Until Broch opened his mouth and parted Gil's lips with his tongue, exploring further. Then it became hungry. Greedy. At least, Gil was greedy for more. I want to consume him. Their panting breaths in each other's mouths became the only sound in the room.

Ah, but it wasn't mean to be. Tonight was supposed to be about giving Broch what he wanted. Gil had to remind himself of that as he carefully flicked his tongue against Broch's, slowly drawing away. It's too easy to get lost in him.

Pulling back, he nuzzled his nose against Broch's. "Let me eat your ass."

The gorgeous man chuckled in his throat. "Again? Can't get enough of my slick?"

You have no fucking idea. That slick is like crack to me. I want to slurp it for every meal. But he didn't dare voice this aloud. Instead, he merely flashed a smile and moved down his friend's body, running his tongue across that smooth, pale skin. Broch wasn't hard yet, but it didn't matter. Gil carefully moved him, rolling him to his knees, spreading his cheeks with care. When his tongue found that tight hole, he groaned. I could do this all night.

He licked with abandon. As Broch began to squirm and gasp, Gil drove his tongue inside. So delicious. He went at it until Broch was sopping wet, slick dripping down his thighs. Before he could get too carried away, he retreated. Gods, he had such a pretty ass. "Can I spank you? Want to try that?"

"Y—yes," was the throaty reply.

"I'll start easy. Let me know if it's too rough, sweetness."

Gil gently popped Broch's right cheek, enjoying the way the flesh bounced under his watchful gaze. Broch trembled, but his moan was not one of pain. Gil popped his other cheek. Another moan, louder now, but still no cries to stop. The next slap was a tad harder, jolting Broch's body.


"Too hard?"

"No! I like it."

Okay, then. Gil went to work on both cheeks, spanking Broch until his ass was dark pink. The man cried out his pleasure. Gil paused long enough to lick up more of the slick seeping from his pretty hole before he spanked him some more.

When his ass was nice and red, Gil wondered if Broch might like something even rougher. He was enjoying this far more than he had initially expected. "Want me to try a crop? Or a whip?"

"No. No, I like your hands."

You and me both. He certainly loved his hands on Broch's pert ass. "I'll give you a break, then. Roll over."

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