Chapter 7: Part 1 ~ Gil

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He hadn't been to a strip club in years. Honestly, he wasn't sure how many years it had been. But Gil had certainly never been to a strip club that only featured male-presenting dancers. He was used to seeing a mix of sexes and genders and he was excited to find out what Kink had to offer to live up to such an exotic name.

After ordering a soda, determined not to drink too much too early, he watched men and women pouring in and filling the tables and chairs by the stage. To his surprise, Neddie arrived. Once the tall, blonde man spotted Gil, he practically ran to take a seat beside him. Gil had to take a moment to appreciate how slender and pretty Neddie was. He could easily be a model.

"Shelly told me you were coming. I thought you might not want to be alone."

"Oh, that's sweet, Neddie. Thanks." Gil felt a bit nervous around the man. He didn't know him very well and the guy wasn't much of a conversationalist. He had barely spoken three words to anyone whenever they went out for drinks together. Still, it was kind of him to come out to give Gil some company.

"Oh, you got the best seat. Right in the action." Neddie gave a playful wink before leaning his elbows on the edge of the stage. He had such long, willowy limbs. "I used to work here, too, actually."

"Really?" This was surprising news.

"I love dancing. I never worked the back rooms, but I owned this stage. When the music started playing, everyone else disappeared and it was just me and the music. I had a ballet act." He gave a wistful smile as he stared at the back curtain. "Sometimes I miss it, but the job itself was more of a passing thing for me. I guess I outgrew it. But the boys really enjoy it here. The manager treats everyone well." He finally glanced at Gil. "I met Shelly here."

"Oh yeah?"

"She was so surprised when I quit. She loved watching me dance. But, I can dance for her anytime, you know? I took my dancing dreams in other directions. But I did learn a lot here. I became more comfortable with my sexuality and made wonderful friends."

"You still do ballet?" Gil was interested in learning more. He had never heard Neddie speak this much and he certainly never talked about himself. Though he shouldn't be surprised he was a dancer. He moved so gracefully.

"Local theaters. Small shows." He gave a pretty shrug before turning inquisitive eyes on Gil. "But what about you? You seem more relaxed here than I thought you would be."

Gil managed to look offended for all of two seconds, crossing his arms over his chest in mock indignation. "Why does everyone assume I am a pearl-clutcher?"

"I suppose because of where you're from. Old Meri isn't known for being a sex-positive country. They hide their kinks in shame."

"Something I certainly don't miss about that place," Gil grumbled. He downed the rest of his soda. But Neddie was watching him closely, a tiny smile on his lips. When Gil met his eyes, he glanced away, leaning back in his chair.

"They should be starting soon. Want another drink? I think I'll have something sweet." Neddie lifted a hand, motioning a waiter over. "Do you have some dollars for tipping?"

"Yep. I came well prepared."

Once they had their drinks, the lights lowered and a woman grabbed a microphone, taking the three steps up to the stage. "Good evening! Let's start the night off right with everyone's favorite bottom, Twinkie!"

A few hoots and cheers sounded as the woman disappeared and a pink spotlight shone on the back curtain. A peppy pop song that was at least a decade old started playing and Terri swished the curtain back, twirling onto the stage.

Gil felt his eyes widen in appreciation. The dark-skinned man was wearing tiny, pink shorts that were the exact color of his hair. The material was so snug, so small, that Gil wondered how he could even pull them up his ass. As he twirled and leapt around the stage, twerking and blowing kisses to the audience, Gil was afraid his junk might pop right out of the tight shorts. As he neared them, Terri gave an overdramatic wink and dropped to all fours, bowing his back and showing off his pert ass. His skin was shiny with oil.

"He's still got it," Neddie said, amused.

"He definitely knows how to work the crowd," Gil noted as men began to crowd around him, whistling for Terri's attention, waving dollar bills at him.

Taking a few slow turns around the pole fixed center stage, Terri pretended to ignore the hollering customers for a minute before he placed the backs of his hands under his chin, adopting a cute pose. Then he sauntered over and began thrusting his crotch and ass in their faces, giggling as they placed their money in his shorts. When one woman slapped his ass, he turned quickly and wagged his finger at her, shaking his head.

Gil was left chuckling. He certainly had the twink act down pat. Though, he supposed, with Terri, it wasn't much of an act. The guy seemed to revel in the fact that he was small and cute. Gil was sure to carefully slip a dollar in his shorts when he crawled over. He was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, handsome," Terri whispered before dancing away. When his song was over, he bowed from the waist and shook his ass as he pranced off stage. He was immediately bombarded with customers wanting a lap dance, and Gil soon lost track of him in the crowd.

"He really is a ham. He eats up the attention," Neddie said. His voice was full of affection. Gil noticed that he had already downed half his drink while Gil was still slowly sipping on his. Perhaps Neddie wasn't planning on staying as long. Still, it was nice to have someone to chat with in an unfamiliar environment.

The next dancer was a man with huge thighs and a skirt with sequins pooling from it. He did an exotic belly dance that had even Gil sweating. He collected his dollars with a serene expression, as if he barely noticed the people ogling him. The next dancer wore nothing but a black bow tie and a g-string as he openly humped the pole like his heat had come. When the next dancer, announced as Butch, strutted on the stage, Gil nearly choked on his drink.

Anthony was clad in a tight black thong, his bulging muscles on full display. Gil had to admit, he had a new appreciation for the man. As alternative rock boomed from the speakers, he prowled around the stage, growling and flexing, glaring at the audience as if he were a wild animal that could not be tamed. When he crawled near Gil, narrowing his eyes as he threw his crotch forward, Gil had to lean over to place his dollar.

"Hot damn, dude. Fucking work it," Gil said.

Anthony gave a menacing smile before he turned away to the next customer. Neddie was left laughing. After that, Gil decided he needed something stronger to get through the rest of the night. He matched Neddie's drink order and they laughed together and threw dollars at the next few dancers.

"Having fun?" Neddie asked.

"I really am. How many nights a week do they do this?"

"I think Terri and Broch share a couple shifts but they are only all together here on Fridays. That's why you were invited tonight, I'm sure. So you could watch all three of them. But Sandy, the manager, usually only insists on three nights a week and that includes weekends. She wants her employees happy, so she wants them to have lives outside of work. She has more than enough dancers to shuffle around."

Neddie finished his second drink and placed the glass on the edge of the stage. "A lot of clubs want dancers to do two or more performances a night over and over into the wee hours, but Kink is different. One performance per dancer per night. It's actually a smart business move. Customers with a preference, with a favorite dancer, have to show up at opening and stay since the lineup changes nightly. They make a killing at the bar." He gave Gil a measured look. "Did they tell you about the back rooms?"

"It was mentioned. Is that for private dances?"

Neddie hesitated, eying the gyrating dancer on stage before he answered. "I'll let them tell you about it." He seemed to shut down after that, only offering smiles and glances Gil's way as they drank and watched the dancers.

Getting mysterious onme? Odd. Perhaps he met his conversation quota for the day. Gil didn't let itbother him as the song ended and the current dancer blew kisses before leavingthe stage. The woman with the microphone, Sandy he assumed, hopped on the stageagain.

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