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 A week had passed since Taehyung's parents had passed away, yet he remained locked away in his room, isolated from the world outside. He had withdrawn into himself, shutting out the world and refusing to engage with those around him.

Days blurred into nights as Taehyung's grief consumed him, his appetite fading and his energy waning. He moved through the motions of daily life with mechanical precision, but inside, he felt numb, disconnected from the world around him.

He was lying on the bed lifeless, despite the heaviness in his heart, Taehyung refused to cry. He held back his tears, bottling up his emotions until they threatened to suffocate him. He didn't want to show weakness, not even to himself.

The house felt so empty now. Taehyung could almost see his mom going about her day, but it was just a memory. And his dad's scolding echoed in his mind, making him feel even worse. What hurt the most was knowing he couldn't see his dad one last time. The missed calls, mocking his inability to be there when his parents needed him most.

He heard a knock at his room's door. "I don't want to eat, you can go..." he murmured, assuming it was the maid, his voice frail and weary. But then, Mr. Saad's gentle voice came through the door, calling out to him. "Taehyung, my son opens the door." 

Taehyung let out a heavy sigh and slowly rose from his bed, feeling drained and weak. With great effort, he made his way to the door and opened it. Mr. Saad's eyes met his, and a wave of sadness washed over him.

Taehyung appeared exhausted and worn out, his clothes unchanged from the last time they had seen each other. Mr. Saad's heart ached at the sight, realizing the toll that grief had taken on the young man before him.

"Can I come inside? I need to talk to you", Mr. Saad asked gently. Taehyung nodded faintly and stepped aside to let him in. Mr. Saad entered the room, and Taehyung followed, but as he did, he stumbled from exhaustion. Mr. Saad quickly reached out to steady him, his grip firm yet gentle.

"How long has it been since you've eaten?" Mr. Saad inquired; his voice filled with concern as he noticed Taehyung's weakened state.

"I... I ate something yesterday", Taehyung replied, his voice barely above a whisper. But the truth was, he had barely managed to swallow anything. Seeing Taehyung in such a state, Mr. Saad's heart went out to him. He stepped closer and gently placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, offering silent comfort.

 "Taehyung, my son," Mr. Saad said softly, his voice filled with concern. "I know you're hurting, but you need to take care of yourself. Your parents wouldn't want to see you like this."

Taehyung's eyes met Mr. Saad's with a numb gaze. "How can you say that when I wasn't even there when Dad wanted me? Do you think he'll forgive me?" he asked, his voice cracking with emotion.

Mr. Saad gently guided Taehyung to sit on the bed and took a seat in front of him. "I was there with your father, at his last breaths", he confessed quietly.


Taehyung's parents had an accident on their way back home from shopping. A truck collided with their car, crushing it in the impact. Sadly, Mrs. Kim died on the spot due to the severity of the crash. However, Mr. Kim was still breathing when he was brought to the hospital.

When the accident happened, the hospital immediately began making calls to their relatives. Taehyung, lost in his own problems, didn't answer. Desperate to reach someone, the hospital staff tried other numbers they could find. That's when they managed to reach Mr. Saad.

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