Ch 8: The Marquis de Ryne

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Estefania could still hardly believe her luck. She'd dreamed of reuniting with her siblings, but now that it was real, she wondered if maybe there was just a drop of magic left in the world that answered her wish.

Unfortunately, everything else was all wrong. Her betrothed didn't want to marry her. Her brother hadn't been seen since dinner the night before, and no one could find him. Not to mention that Avangelique was more Cyran now than Saharite, and their grandmother was too ill to move.

The only thing going her way was that Nathaniel was on her arm. He'd been too quiet since they returned to Cyra. She missed his jovial manner and the smile his rangers brought to his lips.

She could feel her skin crawling as every eye watched her in the ballroom. Ladies whispered like spiders spinning webs behind their fans, and men's gaze dragged up her body to size up Sahar's heir.

The marquis kept her steady. He spun her onto the dance floor to avoid idle chit-chat. The practiced steps kept them both busy, and his constant skin connection made her feel protected.

"Don't listen to them," he whispered as the dance brought his head close to her ear. "The women of Cyra are nothing but gossiping busybodies. Each one would kill and curse to marry Fletcher."

A shiver went down her spine. "Your brother doesn't want to marry me."

"He's a fool," the marquis's voice was heavy. "You are a prize, Estefania de Sahar."

His words washed over her like a burning fire. Fletcher was a fool to discard her. Even if she wasn't saving her country, turning down the heir of Sahar was foolish. Fletcher had the perfect chance to merge their kingdoms, and he wanted to throw it all away without giving her a reason.

"He said he didn't want to pass on burdens," Estefania's hand pressed against Nathaniel's as they turned. "Any idea what he meant by that?"

"You think you're the only family that fairy cursed?" Nathaniel's laugh was rough. "She didn't just steal Caitryn. She gave each of the king's children a challenge—a curse, if you will."

"And you think Fletcher doesn't want to contaminate me or something?" Estefania frowned. "I'm cursed too, you know."

"We all are," Nathaniel shook his head. "But Fletcher shouldn't use it as an excuse. His curse at least allows him to live a normal life."

That almost caused Estefania to lose step with the beat. What kind of curse could make a prince flee a marriage alliance? And why did Nathaniel act like Fletcher's curse was no big deal? It just didn't make sense.

"Maybe it's for the best," Estefania said. "There are other eligible bachelors. I could marry one of my people. Or, if I wanted to be different, I hear that The Earl of Nene has a son my age. Isn't there also the son of a duchess from Ryne?"

Nathaniel's hand slipped from her hip. "You're not serious."

"Would that be wrong?" Estefania gave him a hard look.

He stiffened and stopped in the middle of the dance floor. "You're promised to my brother. I cannot step in Fletcher's way. I'm not legitimate, and I'm not a prince. I cannot replace him."

"No," she leaned in close. "You're a ranger, and you run errands for your brother because he's too afraid to do them himself. You're a marquis willing to roll over and do anyone else's bidding."

Nathaniel shook his head. "You know, I thought you would be a good match for Fletcher, but maybe I was wrong. You're callous, your highness."

Her blood boiled. Here, she was trying to save her country, and the only person who was nice to her was being cruel. She pulled away from him, but he tugged her back by the wrist.

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