Ch 15: The Mirror of Memory

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Estefania couldn't believe her sister had sacrificed herself. Avangelique was dying, and it was all her fault. She'd lost the trial because she'd been arrogant, just like Mona. She thought she was right, but it cost her everything. 

Nathaniel brushed up against her hand and whined reassuringly as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. She had to admit that the marquis's second form didn't bother her. She didn't know if that was because of her own curse or because she was growing attached to the wolf. 

Lorenzo raged ahead of them, showing her the way to the throne room. She half expected the younger prince of Cyra to pull the sword from his belt and start slashing wildly. She'd seen the looks of affection between Lorenzo and her sister. 

At first, she thought it was nothing more than a deep friendship. Perhaps they'd grown as close as siblings since Avangelique had been raised alongside the Cyran princes. Now, she wondered if it was something more.  

Rillian followed behind at a slower pace. The fairy was still strange to Estefania, but she didn't know why. She'd sensed power from Trix, but the former fairy prince seemed to be devoid of any magic she could feel. 

Finally, the four of them entered the massive throne room. The entire room was guided in gold, including the massive throne shaped like a full moon, which was studded with diamonds and pale sapphires. Estefania knew this throne contrasted Sahar's own sun throne, and they had both been gifts from the fairy empress to a long-forgotten generation in the county dynasties of kings and queens. 

"Mother told me the password when I was a child," Lorenzo said. "I think she just wanted Avangelique and me out of the palace at times so she could have peace and quiet. She thought an abandoned fairy kingdom a playground fit for a prince."

Estefania bit her lip. Mona wasn't wrong. The king and queen of Cyra certainly were rotten. She wasn't a bit surprised that they were absentee parents. At least her father visited with the supply caravans. 

Lorenzo kneeled and placed his palm on the throne. The metal glowed brightly below his hand, and the prince spoke one word. 


The throne opened up like a hatching egg, and bright light filled the space between the halves. Rillian smiled at the sight of the magic and reached out to touch the light. Lorenzo just scowled and walked straight through. 

"I never thought I'd see the isle again," Rillian said. "Or hear the name of the eldest fairy empress spoken aloud."

"I thought the fairy empress was immortal," Estefania asked. 

Rillian shook his head. "The fairy empress is long-lived and reincarnates when she passes into a new young woman. There have, in fact, been twelve before Cressida. It's not genetic. When the empress is ready, she goes in search of her successor. Then she passes the magic and allows herself to step below the sunset."

Estefania frowned. "Could the empress have reincarnated when Mona destroyed the fairies?"

Rillian shivered. "I don't know much about my mother's magic, but I imagine it's possible. I'd imagine the girl was just waiting for the right magic to awaken."

That gave her hope. Unfortunately, it didn't change the nibbling thought in her mind that there was something wrong with Rillian. He couldn't awaken anyone. 

"You don't have magic, do you?" She asked, but she already knew the answer. 

"I'm not a fairy," Rillian said. "I've never been able to wield wish magic. I'm not tied to the realm, so I was able to escape Mona's wrath."

He stepped through the golden glow and was gone. Nathaniel nuzzled her back, and she took a steading breath. Once she was ready, Nathaniel and she stepped into the former world of the fairies together. 

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