chapter four

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                               - present day -

A hungover Yeji rolled out of bed dreading the day to begin. She looked at her phone and mentally slapped herself. She only had just over thirty minutes to get ready.

She scurried around her home attempting to gather her things whilst also trying to brush her teeth at the same time. She occasionally dropped things and even stubbed her toe on the coffee table. Yeji was always clumsy.

She missed being a teenager and having her mother wake her up in time for school. It was mainly because she'd pull all nighters studying her heart out. Adulting was very hard. Her parents surprised her with her own apartment. They wanted to give her more independence and her own space since she's all grown up.

The Hwang family moved out of their apartment complex and into a home. They moved a few years ago because Yeji's father got a massive promotion at work and was CEO at a law firm. His uncle retired and passed on the role to him.

When Yeji was a child she would use her toy stethoscope to aid her teddy bear patients. She thought she wanted to become a nurse like her mother but learning more about law growing up grew her passion to peruse that career. She was an only child which means she will hopefully one day run the law firm too. She looked up to her father and wanted to honour him by following him in his footsteps.

Mr Hwang was strict and extremely punctual. She could already see his disappointment face for running late. She got an internship at the law firm by her father pulling a few strings. She couldn't make him regret putting his job on the line. Their internship program was hard to get due to it being one of the most popular law companies in Korea. Being a daughter of the CEO didn't help either but her father insisted she needed to learn from the best.

Hurrying around in the morning made her forget about what she discovered the night before at Sunwoo's place.

She cursed at the elevator for taking so long to reach her father's office floor. Time was really testing her. She sighed in relief when the elevator doors opened.

"Morning Yeji!". Lia called from her desk, her eyes peering over her computer screen.

"Morning!". Yeji called back fast walking into her father's office. Yeji opened the door and immediately bowed.

"There she is! Late as usual". Mr Hwang announced though it wasn't in a chastising tone. That surprised Yeji but she soon realised why when she noticed her father had a visitor.

An older man was sitting in a chair in front of her father's desk. She observed the specks of grey hair amongst his black hair and it was all slicked back neatly. She only could see the back of his head. The man stood up slowly and turned to face Yeji.

"Hello dear". The man greeted. Yeji bowed in response.

"Good morning". Yeji smiled. He had thick rimmed glasses around his eyes and a moustache. His eyes wrinkled when he smiled, he seemed like a harmless person standing there with a cane in his hand hoisting him up. Her eyes landed on his badge of the exact same eagle symbol she saw on the file.

And she put two and two together.

"Yeji meet Mr Takanashi. An old friend of mine". Her father announced proudly gesturing to him.
Yeji had no prior knowledge that her father was involved with that god awful man.

"Nice to meet you sir". Yeji bowed again. While bowed down Yeji gave her father a puzzled look. Why on Earth would that man be in her father's office let alone be old friends with him? It didn't sit right with her. Mr Hwang has a lot of explaining to do.

"I've got to go now. It was a pleasure doing business with you Hwang!". Takanashi chirped shaking her father's hand. She was tempted to smack that lousy cane out of his hand.

Don't Wait Too Long | Ryeji (reworked)Where stories live. Discover now