chapter five

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- present day -

Ryujin walked out of the interrogation room rubbing her wrists from being restraint by those handcuffs. Sunwoo wasn't particularly gentle to her when he put those on her.

She scanned around the station hoping to see Yeji. But with no luck she gave up and left putting a cigarette in between her lips.

She exited the building and saw Yeji talking with Sunwoo at the bottom of the stairs. She took the cigarette out of her mouth as she watched the pair share whatever stupid conversation they were having.

She snuck around them not wanting to be caught. She thought she could muster up the courage to talk to Yeji but seeing her again quickly made her change her mind. She turned away when she saw Sunwoo lean in. What lucky bastard, Ryujin thought.

She lit her cigarette and leaned against the police station building. She needed a second to process whatever the fuck had just happened. Then Yeji caught her eye hurrying past.

"Is that your boyfriend?". Ryujin asked inhaling her smoke. She couldn't help herself but ask.

Yeji stopped in her tracks and shifted nervously when she realised it was Ryujin.

"Something like that". Yeji answered abruptly looking anywhere but at Ryujin. Ryujin tried her best not to seem disappointed.

She smirked and took a step closer but Yeji took a step back. Ryujin saw something that resembled fear in her eyes. She felt a pang in her chest.

"Are you scared of me?". Ryujin asked amused instead of offended. Yet she was definitely offended. Yeji finally made eye contact with her but didn't give her an answer. Those feline eyes will be the death of Ryujin.

Ryujin let her eyes wander around the girl in front of her. And god was she beautiful. She had grown up well. She could feel her old feelings slowly rushing back to her. It's been three years of trying to move on from a silly crush yet Yeji still had an effect on her.

She had changed, her hair was dyed a lighter shade with faint blonde highlights. It suited her way too well. Ryujin wanted to drop to her knees to apologise and beg her to come back into her life. She wanted to tell her that she missed her and needed her. Instead she held her stoic expression and moved closer again. This time Yeji let her approach her.

"Are you scared of me?". Ryujin asked again observing each of Yeji's eyes, trying to find anything else but fear being held in them.

"No". Yeji breathed out with her eyes watering up and Ryujin felt bad because it must of been from her cigarette smoke. Yeji hated smoking. Ryujin immediately put out the cigarette by stomping on it and placed her hands in her jacket pockets.

She gave Yeji a sad smile. She definitely was scared of her. Ryujin didn't want to keep her much longer. She didn't know what else to say. She couldn't find any words to say.

"See you around Hwang". Ryujin uttered before leaving the girl behind. She felt her own eyes water up. She felt stupid for feeling tears fall down her cheeks. Shin Ryujin never cried, she's a gangster for Christ's sake.

"Well, that was easy". Chris joked as they left an apartment building.

"Threatening to hurt someone's family usually gets them to pay up". Ryujin shrugged putting the envelope of cash into the inside pocket of her jacket.

The two had been ordered to go around the city and gather up cash that was owed to Takanashi. He was also a loan shark. That man loved to make as much money as possible and he definitely held great power. Ryujin and Chris were lower ranked in their gang meaning they had to do most of the dirty work.

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