²⁶ ; forgiveness

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THE NEXT MORNING came, and you were in your bed, your body protected by your [color] silk sheets

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THE NEXT MORNING came, and you were in your bed, your body protected by your [color] silk sheets. Once again, bandages were put on your back, around your chest. Frizzy [H/C] strands scatter all over your pillows.

Slowly, you open your [E/C] eyes to see the familiar ceiling above you. Your room in the hotel? How did you get here? You turn your head to look around to make sure it really was your room and it was— your messy vanity, your desk covered in "get better" gifts, probably left by the hotel's inhabitants. This made a smile wobble onto your face.

You notice your bedside table holding up new items— a cup of water, a bottle of ibuprofen, your phone, and a note. You move your arm slowly to reach for the note first, and begin to read it.

"Hey, [N/N]. Dad's magic is helping with your back again, but take some ibuprofen to make the pain more bearable! Don't try to stand, and text me when you're up.

-Charlie :)"

As you read the note, you found yourself gripping it tight and tearing up. Despite everything you have done, Charlie still helped you, still accepted you. You were so grateful to have a friend like her.

With a deep breath, you put the note down beside you and reached for the bottle of pills and the cup of water, straining your back and causing a sharp inhale through your teeth. Slowly, you moved to take the pain medication, engulfing the water in the glass cup like it was your last.

Once this was done and you put everything back on the table, you grabbed your phone and unlocked it. Immediately you were greeted with messages from everyone you ever knew in hell— the Vee's, the hotel— even an unknown number. You first go to text Charlie like instructions before you handled the other messages. You replied to the Vee's, said thank you to the patrons that sent you "get better" messages and gifts, and finally read the message from the unknown number.

What the hell?
It read:

"[Y/N]? Velvette better have given me the right number. Anyways, if this is you, meet me at the V tower this coming weekend. If you don't, I'll come find you myself."

Who could that have been? Worry racks your brain as you sort through the very limited people you know in Hell that would speak to you like that. Whoever this is, it has to be someone who knows Velvette. Just as you were gonna call Velvette to ask her yourself, your door opens randomly.

In comes Charlie, then Vaggie, and then the others. Warmth fills your heart. Charlie holds a tray of [favorite food], a dish you said you liked in one of the lessons. "Morning, sunshine," she smiled as she made her way to you, putting the tray on your bedside.

"Me, Vaggie, and Angel made you [favorite food]! Here, let me help you up." She went to hold your shoulder lightly and let you hold onto her arm for support as she helped you slowly get into a sitting position. It took a bit of effort, but eventually, you were sitting almost comfortably with your [color] pillow propped to help you lean back.

"Oh my gosh, this looks delicious," you said with sparkles in your eyes as Vaggie grabbed the tray and put it on your lap with it's needed and your preferred utensils. "Thank you guys so much!"

All around you, your friends surround your bed, all relieved to see you okay. Pentious comes closer, holding a bouquet of [favorite flowers]. "Flowers from the living world are quite hard to find, so I went in sssssearch for someone who sssells fake onesss," he explains as he set them next to you. "I know they aren't really, but I really hope you will exceeept them, Miss [Y/N]."

The same old deep and dark shadow spreads on his face as you gave him a heartfelt grin. "Pentious, they're beautiful either way. What makes it even more special is that they'll never die, they'll last forever. Thank you."

He bowed his head, quickly retreating to his previous expression.
"The rest of us got you gifts as well, but we figured we let you rest before ya open too many of them. We just wanted to see ya awake and visit," Angel spoke before he reached out with one of his arms to ruffle your already messy hair.

"We should leave you to it," Husk added, smiling. It's not often you see the kitty smiling. "Rest well, kid."

They all began leaving before you stopped them with one simple word.

They all turned to you, confused. "I... assume most of you know the real reason I was sent down here in the first place," you muttered, looking away now from their gazes.

All of them gave you a knowing look.
"I want to apologize to all of you."
You take a deep breath.

"Honestly, you all could have just let me survive all on my own in Hell, but you brought me here and... you got me gifts, food. I don't deserve your hospitality, not after I lied to you all."

It was silent and still. It made you ill.

You wanted to just melt away and cry— cry like you always do.

However, Alastor spoke up.
"My darling, half the room have done worse than you."
You look up at him, his smile surprisingly comforting.

"Some of us even enjoy doing such sins, that's why we're in Hell to begin with."
He comes closer to you to where he had sit down next to you, near your torso.
Just like how he did before, when you were hurt just like this.

It terrified you and yet he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions. "I assure you, there is no need to worry about us being angry at you, darling angel."

Charlie stood next to you once more. "He's right. Plus, someone I met recently helped me with forgiving Vaggie— she reminded me that this Hotel is all about second chances," she looks over at her girlfriend with loving eyes. "That includes the both of you."

Vaggie returned the look before gazing at you again. "If Charlie can forgive me, she definitely could forgive you."

Everyone nodded in agreement. This only made the tears you were shedding have a whole new meaning— you have already found a new family in Hell. Charlie already reminded you of Caroline, it wasn't hard to see everyone else fit into the role.

For the first time in so long, you felt like you belong.

You were happy.

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