Curiosity killed Mariko pt. 3

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Was her head soft or what? She gained her vision to only come back to the same scene.
She lay on her soft-furred back and stared at the ceiling that seemed far due to her new anatomy, the newly familiar figures in her peripheral. One was shorter than the other with green hair and the other had a dark subtle demeanor of oppression. She was coming to the conclusion that she couldn’t get out of this. This scenario wasn’t new to her, it had happened once upon a time. Difference was she was seemingly human then compared to now.
She heard another round of snickering. She turned her head, her body following soon after until she was lounging on her side. She could see Mardov’s classmates. It was a little surreal, out of all the kids she realized one of them was another character she had read about long ago. His body was lanky with spiky teal hair, he grinned talking to someone else. She squinted with anticipation, curious about what this could mean for her. To be able to watch the unwritten stories before the fictional people could become stand-alone. A figurative footnote in Mardov’s story.

“Ah hem,” She was interrupted from her thoughts. 
The professor looked to Mardov with no pity for his situation, “Your familiar,” he gestured downward with a fingerless gloved hand at Mariko. Mardov nodded before rushing over to grab Mariko, his arm under her two front legs and his other carrying her. She would’ve made a noise but It was very abrupt and made her realize more about her situation. She was permanently Mardav’s familiar. She felt a trill of goosebumps grow down her spine. It had been a long time since she read the book, a lifetime actually. Making it a miracle that she ever recalled such a thing. She didn’t acknowledge it but her life wasn’t simply human. She should’ve known that for a long time when she was a bare-footed five-year-old kneeling down before the deity of fated love during her ceremonial rite. The first one out her two lives, unknowingly promising herself to the concept of love, whatever that meant. Love. love. Such an insecure and cursing thing for Mariko.

“Now that the Familiar summoning is over and we have all practiced how to de-summon them, let us talk more about the varying ones we saw in more depth.”

She felt Mardav, the boy, pet her. He was idle in getting closer to his group of peers and even when he did get closer there was still a berth. While observing their position in the wide hall-like room, She started to hear a rhythmic rumbling. She looked around while Mardov kept petting her. Mariko soon realized the source of the noise was her. She was purring.

The chapters isn't done, but it's been collecting dust for what I feel like has been a year and honestly.... Will I ever finish it? Also, her personality is a little different or maybe we're exploring Mariko's character more. Eh. Maybe if I finish it, chapter will be different. I do think I have to brush up the pt. 1. As honestly that was spontaneous and had no planning.

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