The Merge

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The Administration was a big office block inside the realm of madness. It was peaceful and quiet. Until, a big scar opens in the sky. The scar showed another realm in it. The a lot of other scars start marking in the skies. That event lasted 4 minutes. A big blue mech exits one of the scars before it closes. The mech starts falling. The core of the mech was damaged and unable to fly. Then, the chests opens and Jay falls and hits the ground roughly. The mech falls on the ground, making a lot of noise.

Confused, some agents working at the administration decide to check what all that noise was about. The see a blue mech in the distance. It looked very damaged, almost impossible to fix.

"What is that?" asked the first agent.

"No clue. We should check it out." responds the second.

"But we need to fill in the 'found something mysterious outside' form."

"We can fill it later. Charge your taser, let's go!"

They rush to see what it was. They find a man, not that old, perhaps around his 20's. He was on the floor, unconscious. His face was covered in blood. He appeared to be stuck below the mech's leg. The two agents, unable to do this by themselves, Call for backup. As the backup arrives, the slowly pull Jay out. He was severely injured. The quickly rushed him inside.

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