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The Administration had a small hospital near the reassignment room. It was small because anyone got rarely injured at the Administration. Jay had an emergency surgery. If he hadn't had it sooner, he would've died.

"Where did you find this guy?" asked Agent Greyson.

"Outside. It appears he has fallen from a high distance. Perhaps this 'merge' event that happened."

"He definitely isn't from around here. I don't think we made the right choice to save him."

"Sir. He might be of use in the future."

"You think? He looks... weak."

"Maybe. We'll find out."

The doctors put Jay in a coma due to the serious damage he had taken. They were unsure when he would wake up. Jay had multiples injuries. The worst one was in the head.

"A serious injury affected his memory core. He might had been able to get them back but we had to perform a surgery in the level of his brain and now it seems impossible." announced a nurse.

Jay had very little chances of ever waking up. The impact on his landing was too big.

The first year of the merge, Jay stayed in coma. He had been connected to a bunch of machines. A lot of doctors and nurses in the Administration wanted to give up on him, since the chances of him ever waking up were little.

"Status Report?" asked Agent Greyson.

"His vitals are not very stable, but he's still breathing."

"Mhm... Is he waking up soon?"

"Negative. He has small chances."

Two years after the merge, Jay was still in a bad shape. His chances of survival had increased since last year. He was gaining consciousness in his mind. He could think, but not much, due to the lack of information about life. He had no memories of his friends. No memory of Lloyd, no memory of Kai, no memory of Zane, no memory of Cole, no memory of Wu, no memory of Pixal and no memory of Nya. He didn't remember his home realm, nor the monastery.

Jay's POV: " Mmm. I like it here. I feel relaxed. But I feel something else. I feel great pain. Where? My arms? No. They don't hurt. What about my legs? Not that either. I do feel pain in them, but it's not that. Oww... my head. Yes. That. Jay right? That's me. I guess? That's what I'm telling myself. Jay. Jay. Jay. Jay... Walker. Why though? Is that my name? I think. Yes! It is! Stop talking to yourself you idiot. That.. is funny."

It's been three years since Jay fell in a coma. Jay was better, he felt stronger. He had high chances of waking up. 

"His vitals are stable. Looks like he's going to wake up soon." said a doctor.

"How are we going to send him back? He doesn't know anything. He has no memories. He doesn't know where he comes from. We can't just keep him." explained Agent Greyson.

"Well... We have an available spot here at the Administration."

"NO! THAT IS OUT OF QUESTION!" screamed Agent Greyson.

"Sorry. Sir. It was just a suggestion."

"Fine. Maybe. Only if he is able to."

Jay's POV: "Ok Jay. Try to move. You can do it. C'mon. C'mon! C'MON!! I can't. Ouch. Well, let's try something else. Talk Jay. C'mon. Say.... Hello. HELLO! Not working. Maybe opening my eyes will work. Open eyes... C'mon open. Ugh. No use... I can't. Guess I'm stuck here in the darkness. Forever. I'm doomed."

A doctor walks towards Jay and starts connecting some IVs.

Jay's POV:" OUCH. Wait. I can hear something. Is that.. beeping noises. Wait where am I? Why do I hear beeping noises. Sounds like.... A heart monitor. Wait. A HEART MONITOR? WHERE THE HECK AM I THEN?! Where do we find heart monitors. Hospitals. Hospital? I'M IN A HOSPITAL?! What happened to me? Do you remember? Wait... Why can't I remember? Who do I know? Who? WHO? Oh gosh... Oooooh gosh. This is bad. Very bad. If I'm in a hospital, that means something must've happened to me. Something bad. Really bad. Ok Jay. Focus. Move your fingers. Move them."

The doctor notices that Jay starts to move his fingers. He immediately calls for backup. When the backup arrives. Jay finally opens his eyes.

"What the... who are you guys?" says Jay, weakly.

Agent Greyson walks in.

"Finally you're awake."

"What happened?"

"You fell from I high distance. You were seriously injured. We took you in and found out you had a severe injury in the level of your brain. It affected your memory core. It means you are probably confused and scared."


"Uh... three or four... years."

Jay had no words. He was in shock. He was confused and most importantly scared.

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