Chapter 8: Full on chaos.

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'Whats going on?.... Why am I forgetting stuff.' I thought staring at the floor. Foot steps came into my room. Two strangers entered. One of them stood by the door the other came to me. "Y/n, Once I heard about what happened, I rushed over here to see you! Are you alright?" The unkown yet familar man asked with worry he clenched my hand in his. Getting uncomfortable with this stranger I pulled it back.


"I'm sorry sir but do I know you....?"

The man's face turned into one of anger but went back to worry.

"Y/n I really can't not be mad at you, but, this is no time for jokes." He said his brows frowned.

"Mr Patrick Batemans and Billy Lenz please come over here I need to talk with you about Miss Y/n's condition." A doctor called the man over, his face turned into anger. Two of the men walked out.

Their POV'S:

"She what?" Patrick spoke trying not to loose his short temper. "Lost her memoy, if something can trigger it may come back" the nurse explained. Billy, not understanding the conversation walked to the other room interested in the pretty lady he saw.

Back to Y/n:

Sitting up everything hurt. I looked at my hip I saw a bloodied bandages that needed changing. If I don't fix this I'll die of an infection or even worse. "Thank gosh I studied a bit of medical school." I said turning slightly to get new ones on the counter and start wrapping.

To the patients:

"Wait what happened to Miss Y/n?" Brahms asked his child voice cracking. "And why should I tell murders like you?" Amy fires, "I see no need for you guys to fake caring for her, the only person she needs is herself, and me. She was fine before you! She didn't need any of this! " Amy yelled. 'But we do care about her!' Jason motioned.

She toke a shaky breath before continuing "None of this would have happened if you didn't touch her! She wouldn't have fallen and been in a hospital right now!...." Her eyes then widen realizing her mistake.

"Y/n fell? Off where? And who pushed her?" Hannibal asked inching closer to the glass. He would have been balling his eyes out right now if he wasn't putting up the sophisticated act.

"Hurry it up! Who ever did it, say it! We need to see Y/n!" Billy and Stu yelled chanting it over and over again. "Shut it, I'll gut you like a pig." Danny threatened to the two, only getting an eye roll from them. The Ghostface trio were extremely mad, who could have done this to Y/n they wish they could jump out and search the city for her, but they can't.

Danny knew that Y/n was already dealing with to much. And after Danny heard Y/n's Ex husband working near her didn't help her either.

Brahms, Norman and Bubba, where already crying their eyes out. With thomas comforting Bubba of course. The Ghostface duo eyes already watering, Hannibal and Danny were quiet.

Micheal and Jason had their eyes trained on Freddys door. 'FREDDY WAS WITH HER LAST' Micheal wrote, Jason nodding angrily.

"Freddy. Is this information true?" Hannibal asked glaring in his direaction. Hannibal laughed at himself, of course it's true, this is Freddy we're talking about.

Everyone in the room went silent excapet for tiny sniffles from Bubba, Brahms and Norman. Waiting for Freddy's answer.


"You know what.....?"

"Yes, I did do it."

Freddy confessed. This time he was met with silence. Real silence.

This was the start of chaos.

Back to Y/n:

"All done." I said out loud looking at the new clean bandages on my side.

Soon getting a knock on the side of my door.

"Miss Pretty lady Y/n? I am Billy! Billy wants you to be Billy's friend!" The man named Billy said laughing. "Billy Lenz?" I asked trying to confirm. "Yup Billy is Billy!" He squealed. I laughed at his behavior.

Deciding I had some questions think about. Why not just ask them? "Hey billy."  "Yes!"  "Do you, perhaps know how I got here?" I asked hoping he would know, and guess what? Hope was on my side.

"Yes Billy knows, Billy saw from room 502 at top of Building, Stinky man pushed smell nice Y/n off! Billy dosee not like Stinky man. Billy only like Pretty Y/n. Stinky man rude." He explained. Memorys came flooding back.

I am a nurse, I have patients! I was in the yard but suddenly I fell from a push on the back! My head hit the ground. And I blacked out. But I stll can't remebered who pushed me. Danny? Billy? Stu? Freddy? Micheal? Hannibal? Jason?

"Billy... Do you know who 'Stinky man' looks like?" Billy gave a hard nod. "Billy thinks he looks like burnt bacon that fell in Billy's grandparents's ashes. Billy thinks his black hat is ugly just like Stinky man." My heart throbbed with pain.

The same pain I felt when my Ex husband cheated for the first time.


Freddy Krueger how could you?

Maybe I'm just overreacting and Freddy didn't mean to push me! He's just going through alot. No I thought of the same thing before.

'I'm not going to be pathetic and stupid. I'm going to but this straight, I'm not going to be stepped all over like this. I'm a strong independent woman I don't need anyone else but, me, myself and I.' I thought trying to get my confidence back.

I sat straighter. "You go girl!." Billy cheered. "Billy doesn't know what just happened in your head but Billy thinks you should keep going!" Billy squealed.

I laughed nervously "thanks Billy" "Oh, and Billy almost forgot! Here! Billy is staying with you!" The man shoved a paper in my face. I started reading it.

Billy has had some problems and has been getting into more fights offen. To prevent anymore of this behavior we are sending him to our most trusted nurse. Miss Y/n L/n.
From yours truly Boss

On the back was a little note that said:

Sorry Y/n! -from Janet

"Your going to be staying with me from now on? People say more the merrier but in this case not really." I sat staring at the document. Earning a laugh from billy.

Asylum secrets

Y/n's Ex begged for the boss to pick different patients for him.

Micheal and jason have cracks on their door from hitting it to much, but the guards really don't care.

We all know Freddy's gonna die soon.

Everyone hates Freddy even Chucky and pennywise think something wrong with him.

The other paicents haven't found out about what happened.

Billy Lenzsp and Brahms saw each other in the holes in the walls multiple times.

The art patients are making a huge project about you. (Micheal, Bubba, Thomas, Vincent, Norman, Jason and Brahms. )

Billy Lenz call Brahms stinky dumb boy and Freddy Stinky burnt bacon. The ghost face trio are all called stinky ugly ghost. He calls every one Stinky and dumb for some reason.

Y/n, Hannibal and Patrick are the only ones Billy thinks smell nice.

Amy and Janet are going to meet, what do you thinks gonna happen?

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