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"'s been a while," Adira voiced in welcome as she transferred the colonel and his unit into her spaceship.

"General," Rae returned with a bow of his head. The colonel's expression remained unchanged as he greeted the commander of Unit C.

"Cold as ever, I see," Adira commented with slight disappointment. When Rae did not react to her observation, Adira released a sigh before saying, "Update me on the situation. Why were you and your unit hiding in Nature's Preserve?"

Azur's eyes narrowed at the general's command. Azur was the first to join Rae's unit following Kilo and Castyr, so he had been beside Rae for quite some time. And everything Rae did, every move he made, Adira wished to know. The general had always had an unnatural fascination for the colonel ever since he had woken up from his coma.

Regardless of Adira's intentions behind wanting to know what Rae had been up to while away from the Heavens, Rae was inclined to answer the general's request. So, he answered with a distant voice, "Unit R was tasked with a mission bestowed by Star Ellessi."

Adira's brow raised at the mention of the young star. "Star Ellessi? What mission?"

"We were tasked with training for the war," Rae replied coolly.

"Training? Train who?" Adira questioned.

"Unit R." Rae's answer was short and sweet. And while it was not the entire truth, it was also not a lie. It was indeed true that he was in Nature's Reserve to train his unit for the war. More specifically, to train Axel, who was part of Unit R. But why should Adira need to know that one person, in particular, was the cause behind the mission from Star Ellessi?

"What an odd mission," Adira voiced under her breath. Although she suspected something more was going on, she did not press the colonel for more information as she wished to remain in his favor. After a moment of the general pondering what to do with Rae and his unit, she said, "You've done well to survive this long. Rest now while we continue to our destination."

Hearing that Adira was in the process of taking them somewhere, Rae promptly requested, "If possible, my unit and I need to reach Daedoeshi."

Adira lifted a brow at the colonel's request. "And why is that?"

"Part of our unit is currently on its way there." Kilo had linked Rae upon him, Castyr, and Axel reaching the outskirts of the torn city and informed Rae of their plans to head to Daedoeshi. So, getting to the grey city was Rae's next goal. He wanted to reunite his unit.

"Well, you're in luck, Colonel," Adira replied. "Daedoeshi is our destination." The general turned from Rae and walked toward her ship's command center as she explained, "A summit is being held in Daedoeshi. The EDF has set up its headquarters in Daedoeshi and has called for the leaders of its allies to gather there."

"This is quite perfect, actually," Adira said as she turned back toward Rae. "I think you'll be a great asset at the meeting." The general approached the colonel until she was just a step away before saying, "Attend the summit with me, Rae."


"We are survivors. Take us with you."

If the lieutenant was shocked in any way by Kilo's sudden proposition, she did not show it. Instead, she simply agreed, "Very well. I'll take you to my unit. But there's something I must do before we leave." With that, the lieutenant turned from the two men and began walking back the way from which she had come running.

Following the lieutenant, Kilo and Axel saw her bend down next to a fallen soldier. Observing the fallen man to have the same unit number on his shoulder patch, Axel put two and two together. The hangel lowered his head in silent respect for the fallen as the lieutenant ran her fingers over the man's opened eyes, closing them for the last time. She then retrieved the metal chain that hung around the man's neck.

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