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It's been three days since I confessed to Fawn, and three days since I have locked myself in my bedroom. I haven't come out for training, I haven't come out to eat, and every day Darius has shoved food down my throat. I'm stuck staring at the folder containing all of my family's information, and it has me questioning my sanity. I'm torn between killing them with no remorse or saving them and sacrificing, probably everything in return. I can't picture myself pointing a gun at my sister, who I swore to never get involved in this mess our father created. I can't picture staring my brother in the eyes and taking his life, especially after everything he has ever done for me. I can't do it.

That leaves me completely confused because I can't kill them. But I know if I don't, they will take them as a way for not listening to me. Either way, they die. And in the end, I probably will, too. Killing them means freedom for myself and them to be taken from this cruel world. But not killing them leads to chaos but possibly evolution in time. I obviously have to kill them, but at what cost? What will this end up like?

I stand up from my messy bed, frowning as I stare at the beige folder set on my desk. I grab the folder and begin to look through it slowly, taking in all the information on my family. Camilla, my sister, lives with our older brother Kaiden. I'm angry they aren't living with mom, but at the same time, it stings a bit. Do they blame mom? This is going to drive me completely mad.

Camilla goes to Grigh High. Meanwhile, Kaiden currently works at a small coffee shop near Grandma's house. My mother, on the other hand, lives around twenty-five minutes away from all restaurants or stores. Mom continued her job, a work at home therapist. You'd think with all the trauma she has, she'd drop the therapist act and get therapy herself. But no, it shows she doesn't even have insurance. What fucking happened when I left?

I flip to the next pages of the large folder, now seeing pictures of them from about a week ago. Camilla is sat on a swinging bench, giggling with a boy I don't recognize. She has very long black hair, meaning she dyed it from her very soft blonde hair color she had years ago. Her features are more defined, and she definitely looks mature. The saddest thing about this picture is that she was being stalked but had no idea. She has no idea she was being watched, all while just enjoying her day.

I stare on the opposite side of the page, a picture of Kaiden plastered onto it. He stands in the coffee shop I assume he works at, making what looks like a coffee of some sort. His eyes have darkened, and his features have become way more defined. His hair stays a dark blonde color, and it looks as though he's grown at least three inches. His face looks focused, and he seems to be on edge. I can't really tell what he's thinking.. God, how could I kill him?

I flip to the next page and stare at the picture of my mom. She stands in our old house yard, clutching a small petunia plant. I loved Petunias.. She's wearing a flowy blue blouse, and her hair has grayed by a lot. I look under that picture, and it shows another picture of her face closer. She has tears in her eyes, and the long slash against her cheek is more prominent now.

I start to get a headache and flip the folder closed, clutching my head. I start to have flashbacks of the night I sacrificed myself, and I begin to get very sick. Fuck. Fuck. Shit.

• /\ ---------------------------------------------------- /\ •

• Flashback •

I giggle happily as my dad spins me around the yard, soon setting me down on our special butterfly bench. He stares at me with a sad frown, catching me fod guard.

"Happy birthday, kiddo." He smiles lovingly, and I reach to give him a warm hug.

I smile ear to ear, "Thanks, dad.. I love you." I hold onto him extra tight.

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