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I feel like I might be finding peace, and that's before the company is gone. So, if it's easy to find peace within the issue, it should be even easier after, right?

I may be wrong, but for once, I feel like this might be what saves me. My entire life, I've sacrificed myself or the happiness I deserved for someone who I think is, "More deserving,"

But I deserve something good. I gave up my childhood, and I gave up my family to save my father, someone who didn't even need saving. I used to protect kids at the park or in class. I used to give my sister gifts on my birthday or let my brother have the first piece of cake. I used to do every chore around the house so my family wouldn't have to. I used to give everything into every friendship I ever had, even if they were completely capable of doing all of those things by themselves. My whole life, I have always made sacrifices, even for people who weren't deserving. And I might sound cocky and selfish, but for once in my life, I want to be selfish. I want everyone here to know that I deserve even a fraction of all the happiness they have had. Even a little.

"Next." A guard says grumpily, opening the door for me. He pauses, looking at me up and down. "Hey, black and leather is forhibbited."

I scoff, "And you know what else is forhibbited? That blue and pink pin you have there. So step aside." I smile.

He glares at me, stepping aside so I can walk through the doors.

I walk in after he moves, my eyes widening at the brightly lit room. All students gather around in pairs, groups, or all alone, dancing.

Who would've thought? The company threw a dance to celebrate all of us. Yeah, "Celebrate."

Pfft, liars. I continue walking through the room, and most heads turn to stare at me. Some people whisper, while some just nod and continue dancing.

I walk to the bathrooms, open the door, and walk straight to the mirrors. I didn't really get a chance to check my outfit, but... Woah.

I stare at my completely different reflection, a smile creeping on my face. I'm dressed in a short leather dress, the sleeves on my dress mocking the uniforms we have to wear. My hair is let loose, except for the section of hair pulled up and secured with a knife clip. My legs have black ripped fishnets, and my big combat boots make me look taller. I nod and fix my smudged eyeliner, turning before walking out into the main party room.

When I leave the restroom, I see a cheerful Fawn walking in. She's dressed in an all black lacey dress that goes to her feet, the long lacey sleeves draping down. Her curly hair is let loose into her natural afro, black ninja star clips throughout it. Her big doe eyes are searching the room for me, and as our eyes meet, they light up, and she runs to me, her black heels clicking against the hard floor. She reaches her arms wide, engulfing me into a tight hug.

I blush at her beautiful appearance, hugging her back with a smile. "Hi, Fawn. You look gorgeous." I cup her cheek lovingly.

Her cheeks become a soft red, and she leans in, our lips only inches away. "You look even more beautiful, Amara." She mumbles against my lips, kissing me.

I close my eyes and kiss her back lovingly, feeling her hands rest on my waist. We pull away, and I stare into her beautiful eyes.

"I've always loved your eyes. They've always reminded me of a cat." She giggles, kissing my cheek.

I blush a lot, "Your eyes remind me of a bunny." I smile.

We both burst into laughter and hold hands as we walk around. I hear a younger voice yelling my name, only to turn around and find Hunter. He wears an all black suit and white tie, but when I look behind him, I see Rowan and Liance. Rowan rests his elbow on Hunter's head, and they all smile before walking over to Fawn and I.

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