Against All Odds - Chapter 2

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Leah - June 6, 1992, Ocoee, TN.

The hot summer wind whipped across the Chilhowee ridge as Leah gazed out over the breathtaking Ocoee Valley. Below, the lake shimmered, and the blue ribbon of the Ocoee River snaked towards the horizon. Far off, a faint clearing peeked through the trees on a small hill. Sheltered by centuries-old red oaks, a peaceful family cemetery stood meticulously maintained, a testament to the past cherished by the present. Among the weathered stones, a small, gleaming pearl-white marker stood out. Engraved on it were the words:

Lisa Cloud Rose-Eaton 1953-1991 Loving Mother, Wife, And Daughter, You Forever Are Our Hearts, Till Your Love Holds Us Again

Leah stepped into the wind, her car parked on dirt road on the ridge. She carefully walked down the white stone path leading to where her mother's family had been laid to rest for generations. Reaching her mother's headstone, she cleared the area before settling beside the grave. Taking a deep breath, she began.

"Hi Momma," she said softly. "I wanted to visit before my trip. I know it's been a while, and there's a lot to catch you up on. Dad's been struggling with everything these past few months. The memories here are just too much for him, a constant reminder of you. He's been talking to Grandma Ethel and Aunt Caroline about a job transfer to Houston, to be closer to them. But Momma, I don't want to go. It's my senior year next year, and starting all over again... well, it scares me. You know Dad. Once he makes up his mind, it's set in stone. Grandma's flown out twice already, and it's all she talks about on the phone. I'm trying to get along better with Aunt Caroline, but well... she hasn't changed in her attitude or her opinions."

She paused, letting out a sigh. "So, Dad's going to check out the Houston office, and I'm spending June with Uncle Trevor, Aunt Elsa, and Bonnie. I can't wait to see Bonnie again. They came down for the funeral, and it was so nice to see them. Bonnie's even driving now, so some trips to the lake should be fun. I vaguely remember going there with you a long, long time ago. I fly out tomorrow, all by myself. It'll be my first solo flight. But hey, I get to fly beyond the clouds, just like you are."

She sat quietly and for a few moments enjoyed the silence and peace of the valley. Looking at the time, she knew she needed to begin her two-hour drive back to the city. As she got back to her feet, she whispered, "I love and miss you so much. My love always, until your love holds me again." Placing a soft kiss on the cool stone, Leah offered a silent prayer before turning to walk back up the path and head to her car. Atlanta awaited, and she had packing to finish for her flight.

Jake -  June 6, 1992, Tucson, Arizona. 

Jake sat in his room, packing for his trip, as he finished a phone call with his friend Allen.

"So what's going on for you the rest of today?" Jake asked.

"Hopefully, I'm taking Laura and my sisters out to the Breakers this afternoon. When's your flight?" Allen replied.

"I catch a flight later today. My uncle picks me up around nine pm in Chicago, and I'll spend the night with his family before heading up to my grandparents on Sunday morning," Jake explained, sorting through a stack of clothes between two extra-large suitcases. He counted out what he thought he'd need: work clothes, casual clothes, and a couple of nicer outfits for church and any social functions his grandmother might drag him to.

"So, what's the plan while you're there? You'll be gone for two months with your grandparents. Are your parents even coming up this summer?" Allen inquired curiously.

"They're coming up after the Fourth of July. Part of the reason I'm going early is to help my grandparents work on the old family lake cottage. I'm hoping they let me stay at the cottage and have the place to myself, supposedly. We'll see if that actually happens," Jake said with a hint of doubt. "You know, get a chance to hang with my friends up there."

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