Boys of Summer - Chapter 8

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Monday, June 8, 1992, Bass Lake, Wisconsin

"Lana, I have to pee," came Nick's shrill voice from the back seat of the Buick Roadmaster.

"Oh my God!" exclaimed his brother Matt, "Didn't you go at the house?"

"No," said Nick, "You were in the bathroom, and Jake picked us up early."

"We'll be there soon," said Lana, looking back from the front seat, "See, there is the Orange silo, so like 25 more minutes."

"I don't know," said the 6-year-old.

"Listen," said Jake as he drove down the interstate, "there is a McDonald's at the next exit, you two can run in there real quick, okay?"

"I want McDonald's," said Brian to his older sister.

"Don't you start that, Bry, I helped Grandma pack this lunch, we all are going to eat it. You got it?" Lana hissed at her little brother.

Brian got it, but wasn't happy as he sat with his hands crossed over his chest with a frown. The boys sat three across in the back: Brian, Nick in the middle, and Matt at the opposite door. Nick disliked being the youngest because that meant he always had to sit between his brother and cousin.

Jake soon exited the freeway and pulled up as Matt got out and Lana escorted Nick inside to use the bathroom. Crisis averted, they got back on the road. Soon they were turning onto Highway 18 and making their way to the family cottage on the lake. As Jake pulled off the road onto the small gravel spot in front of the cottage garage, he asked Lana if there was room in the garage to park. Her laugh answered her question as Jake turned off the engine. Lana got out and quickly took charge of the situation, instructing the boys to help Jake unload as she unlocked the cottage. The little 3-bedroom cottage was very warm inside as the air conditioner was not run unless family was using it.

"No one make a mess or touch anything," said Lana, "'Cause I don't want Mom ripping me a new one, okay?" She said with a tone that the boys knew far better than to cross her. "Can we turn on the air conditioner?" asked Matt.

"I guess for a little bit, Matty, but not too much," said Lana.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and get changed," said Jake as he went up the staircase and walked to the upstairs bedroom and looked out the windows down to Bass Lake below. The placid glacial lake was shining its reflection as the wind pushed the water across its shallow basin shimmering in the mid-morning sun. It was stuffy upstairs, so Jake took to changing in the bedroom and heading back downstairs. The downstairs air conditioner was working overtime trying to cool the room, as the boys headed upstairs to get changed and Lana was setting out what she and her grandmother had packed for lunch on the kitchen table. "Do you think the boys are gonna want to go over and swim at the beach or just jump off the dock?" said Jake.

"They like the beach, and Grandma gave us money for Mrs. Beck, and well, it is sloped and shallow enough that all three of them can swim without having to worry about boats coming too close," said Lana.

"Okay," said Jake, "I'll go across and say hello to Mrs. Beck and take care of us for the day."

"Thanks, Jake, I'll get lunch ready," she said as Jake headed out the door. Jake walked across the county highway and headed back to the local diner. As he opened the door, the smells of burgers filled his nostrils. The Beck's was a long-time establishment of the Bass Lake Community. They owned the beach on the west side of the lake as well as their little drive-in diner that adjoined their family farm.

The smell of grilling burgers and french fries made Jake's mouth water as he entered the dining room. Metal tables were adorned with plastic checkerboard tablecloths that were arranged opposite the ordering counter and cashier. In the back corner were the area of Jake's primary attraction. Galaga and Centipede were the two arcade games set up on either side of the crown jewel of the establishment, the High-Speed Pinball machine with great effects, great ramps, and awesome sound effects.

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