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You wake up, feeling extra groggy and not knowing what happened.

You: Ugh... What happened?

You look around and see you're in a destroyed pod. Things are scattered about and most importantly, you are in some sort of chamber.

You: What is this?

Stepping out of it, you see that you were in a cryochamber, allowing you to put two and two together and assume you were frozen in that thing.

You: Okay, but why though?

Suddenly, everything comes flooding back. You remember why you were placed in there. Your parents made you go in there as some sort of "thing" was after you and they thought it was coming after you to kill you. You also remember that some robots were attacking everyone, which was probably another reason why your parents put you in there.

You: Is... Is that why they put me in here? To escape from whatever was happening back on Earth? Mom... Dad...

Feeling saddened by this whole ordeal, you look outside to see what appears to be a frozen wasteland. There were a few cars and buildings here and there, but all of them seemed to be in complete ruins. You panic, not knowing where you are.

You: W-Where am I? W-What is this place?

You feel yourself and while you seem to good in the physical department, you were NOT wearing any winter clothing. You frantically look around the pod again, but don't see anything to help with the cold environment.

It also didn't help that you could hear footsteps approaching your pod.

Panicking, you look around for a place to hide, but there isn't much to choose from. You eventually decide to hide next to the cryochamber and hope they don't see you. As you are hiding, you can feel their gaze on the pod outside, examining it.

???: Another pod? Ugh, the company sure is sending in these Murder Drones like crazy.

You hear them enter the pod and you peek out of your hiding spot to get a look at them. There, you see a robot wearing a beanie atop their purple hair. They also were wearing a shirt, a skirt, some purple-striped socks, and some boots. Judging by their voice and their appearance, they seemed to be a female. On her back is some sort of railgun.

???: Although, this doesn't look like a Murder Drone pod. And there are no Murder Drones in here. So, what is this pod? And why is it here?

You watch her pick up a piece of paper and begin to read it.

???: "Human Cryosleep Pod"? Is this what they send humans in? If so, where is the human? This has to be a dud. Humans can't survive on Copper 9. Still, why would the company send in dud pods? It doesn't make any sense.

She drops the piece of paper and begins to walk around the pod.

???: Well, since no one is here, I guess I can just take some parts for my-

She stops mid-sentence upon making eye contact with you. After a few seconds of processing your existence, her eyes widen in shock.

???: A-A H-HUMAN?!?!

She quickly pulls out her railgun and points it at you, causing you to raise your hands up on instinct.

???: What are you doing here, human?! State your business!

You: I don't know why I'm here! I just got here!

Uzi: Well then, give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now!

You: Because... Because I'm cute? And also because that railgun of yours doesn't seem to be loaded?

A blush appears on her screen as she lowers her railgun, silently cursing to herself for forgetting it wasn't done yet. She, instead, decided to take a good long look at you as you just stood there, awaiting her next move.

???: (Well, he's right about something. He DOES seem cute... No, not just cute, he's attractive. WAIT, NO! IT'S A HUMAN! UGHHH, STUPID HORMONES!)

You: S-So, uh, what are you and where am I?

The robot narrows her eyes at you, debating if she should answer your questions or not. After a few moments, she eventually relents and speaks again.

???: I am a Worker Drone and you are on Copper 9, human. Now, what are you doing here?

You: I... I remember escaping some calamity happening back on Earth. Bunch of robots that were killing people, left and right. Don't know why I was put in here, cause I'm sure Earth is still there, alongside survivors.

The robot's eyes widen upon hearing that.

???: Wait, Murder Drones?

You: H-Huh?

???: Those things are Murder Drones, or as the company calls them, Disassembly Drones. They've been sending them to this planet to wipe us all out, simply because they don't like the idea of runaway AI. Didn't know they were going after humans as well...

You: The company?

???: JcJenson. They're our parent company. Speaking of which, you work for them?

You: No, I don't. I've only heard of them.

An awkward silence occurs before you break it.

You: So, uh, do you have a name?

She narrows her eyes again before groaning.

Uzi: Uzi. My name is Uzi.

You: I-I'm (Y/N).

Uzi: Well, (Y/N), how are you even still alive?

You: What do you mean?

Uzi: This planet's atmosphere is freaking toxic! It should be completely deadly to humans, and yet, you are still alive! How?!

You: I, uh, don't know.

You racked your brain for a potential answer for that question, but alas, you kept drawing in blanks.

Uzi: Ugh, of course you don't. That crash probably screwed with your human brain. Whatever, I'm getting outta here.

She turns to leave and just as she's about to leave the pod, she turns back to you.

Uzi: And I wouldn't leave this pod if I were you. Not only would you freeze to death, but you'd be attacked by the Murder Drones. So, don't leave this pod. I can only hope you'll be fine.

You: I will. Promise.

Uzi: Also, don't get the wrong idea! I don't care about you! I only need you so I can interrogate you about the other humans and Earth!

With that, she departs, leaving you all alone with your thoughts once again.

You: What was all that about?

Watching her disappear from the horizon, you turn back to your pod before sighing to yourself.

You: Well... I guess this is my life now.

Only Human (Female Murder Drones x Male Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now