Y/n and Wednesday sitting in a tree

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The enigmatic couple rose gracefully from their bed, wordlessly making their way towards the werewolf with vibrant blue and pink hair, who stood near the door. Without hesitation, they positioned themselves alongside the radiant girl, casting their discerning gazes upon the room.

Wednesday: "And stop saying my room its our room, We should be able divide our room equally without it being your business." with an icy tone and emphasis on the word our.

The now silent h/c haired boy, observed her side of the room with a perplexed expression.

Y/n: "Look no offense, but really what the hell, It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side." he says uncertain of what to make of it.

Enid: "Well, I-" she was abruptly interrupted by the dark girl's ominous voice.

Wednesday: "Silence would be appreciated. This is my and Y/n writing time." With that, she went to her desk, fingers tapping away on the typewriter.

Enid: "Your writing time?" the werewolf, questioned.

Y/n: "Well, my writing time doesn't start until Wednesday is finished. However, I play my guitar for her while she dedicates her hour a day to her novel."

Wednesday: "Perhaps if you did the same, your vlog might be coherent enough to read. I've read serial killers' diaries with better punctuation." Wednesday scoffed and retorted Perhaps feeling provoked by the thought of the werewolf's blog.

Enid: "Well, I write in my voice. It's the truth, and it's what my followers love," Enid confidently asserted whilst she embraced herself.

With a sly smirk, the tall boy joined the banter.

Y/n: "Well, your followers mustn't be the brightest bunch in school." he joked In response, the giggly roommate playfully punched him, earning a mischievous look from the raven-haired girl, who retaliated by stomping on his foot.

Staring daggers into Enid's eyes.

Wednesday:  "And they respond to your stories with insipid little pictures," her cold, blank face transforming into a scowl. Enid instinctively took a step back, seeking refuge behind the taller male.

Enid: "You mean emojis, right? That's how they express their feelings. I realize it's a foreign concept for you," Enid countered, while she walked back towards the short girl, wearing a smile.

Wednesday: "When I look at you, the following emojis come to mind rope, shovel, and hole. And I don't need to express my 'feelings' to wade for him to know I love him," she says to Enid's face before walking away to her desk.

Changing his character, Y/n chimed in,

Y/n:  "Also, a quick tip if you're going to gossip about her, at least spell her last name correctly. There are two 'd's in Addams," revealing a more serious side to Enid.

Enid:  "Well, now I see why you two are together,"  she turned on an obnoxious pop song and began to dance.

Realizing things were escalating,

Y/N: "Oh boy, here we go. Hey, you should turn that off befo-" But before he could finish his warning, Wednesday stormed towards the blue and pink-haired girl, ready for a confrontation. However, before Y/N could intervene, Enid grew her claws, attempting to intimidate the dark girl, but to no avail.

Enid: "This kitty's got claws, and I am not afraid to use them," Enid declared, breaking her cute and simple demeanor.

Y/N and Wednesday looked at her with slight amusement, their attention swiftly diverted as a red-headed lady entered the room with muddy red boots and a wet umbrella.

Parasitic love • Wednesday • Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now