Break Time:(Y/n)'s Training

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Everyone was In the theater doing their own thing as Everyone relaxed and did what they could during one of their theater breaks.....But Not Everyone was Relaxing.

We zoom in on the Source of the Sound to see none other Than (Y/n) punching a...Punching Bag but he was without his Jacket and Only had his black Muscle Shirt on him.

He kept Punching the bag as his Thoughts was Revealed.

(Y/n):'I......I Can do this'

He remains Pounding the Bag as he began to sweat but kept doing what he was doing as he thought...

(Y/n):'I Need to be stronger'

He thought this with Memories Flashing into his mind.

He Squeezes the Can causing The Spinach to jump out and Land in his Mouth as he chews and swallows feeling the power of Spinach.

Ruby:Spinach's Gross.

(F/n):Wait for it.

His arms and Legs grow and go back to Normal as he is now Boosted With Spinach.

With this,(Y/n) began to Walk towards the Nomu menacingly as it began Wailing at him but it had No effect at all.


He slots the phone in as the YinYang Armor Manifests In Front of him before Attaching to his Body,he leans his Head Down causing The Helmet to Materialize And once,it Did the Visors shined Bright With a Shade of Blue.

Will:Time to give this Armor,it's test Drive.

He Charges at the Dragon Shirushi as that Managed to Do a little Damage as he blocked and Attacked the Beast Until it sent a fire ball at him making him dodge and Try to use a Weapon but he has None until....

Baransusutoraikā:Blade Mode!

It was a Sword that the Japanese Symbol for Light on Half of it and the other had the Kanji for Good.


With a New Weapon,he Charges at the Shirushi and did A spin Slash as well as Cut all the fireballs Coming at Him.

While that was Happening,Echo put a Dome over herself and Everyone else as she watched her Husband take the Monster.

Will Shouted at The SSSS-Class Villain that a Kind of World Like that Will NEVER Be Possible,there will always Be Something to disrupt Harmony.

Daraku(Memory):Well.....I'll Just....Erase it!

Senku:That Maniac!

Makoto:H-he can't Be Serious!

Everyone was Shocked as That didn't sound like harmony!That sounded like prison turned into a World.

At this,Will Said Daraku's Original Name and Made Many Go Silent After Hearing it.



(Y/n):NO,I'M NOT!

(Y/n) punches the Bag,hard enough to break the Chain holding it and push it a bit away before he fell in Exhaustion.

(Y/n)[Panting]:I.....I won't.....I won't become a Monster....I.....I'll protect My Friends.....And Family.

He didn't want to tell anyone but...Ever since,he learned of Guardians and met or watched other versions of himself....he just wanted to be stronger and all on his own.

Sure,he has the Anitrix but That's not his own strength and he never has a time to actually use it for serious needs...Other than Pranks.

There was also the fact that everyone was stronger than him,Even Issei and Jaune!

And the shirushi Situation,he just becomes useless as Unlike Will,he's no rider...

And don't even get him started on the whole "Daraku" timeline.

Alternate or Not,he still has nightmares of turning Into......That.

So...he decided to train and become stronger,he wanted to Protect his family and friends but he didn't want help unless he needed it,So he just stayed to himself.

He sighed from exhaustion and annoyance as he got up but he heard a voice.

??:you okay?

He looks up and see that the one who spoke was Shinra who looked at him, Questioningly.

He sighs as he says that he's fine but Shinra says that he can tell that he's not before tossing him,a water.

(Y/n) Catches the water and looked at the fire soldier.


Shinra told to not mention it and asked what was up with him,Making the Half-Oni sigh and say...

(Y/n):Just..... Don't tell anyone.


With that,He told Shinra of how he felt of his own strength and wanting to be stronger without relying on the power of others.

Shinra somewhat understood given his own past and how he got his adola Burst.

He patted (Y/n) on the back and said....

Shinra:Don't worry about Your Strength because that's not what matters,What does Your heart and what you Choose to define You.

(Y/n) Smiled and thanked him for the advice as Shinra said anytime before walking away leaving the teen with his thoughts.

(Y/n):'"My heart & What I choose to define me",huh?'

He smiles and Grabs his Jacket before heading back to the theater.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 3:Third's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now