Chapter 13

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He stared at the giant creature who was glaring with its piercing gold greenish eyes. The dragon bared its teeth and let out a few puffs of smoke.

"Intruder... Son of nobility... How dare you disturb my kingdom?"

Derek was momentarily taken aback and his dark eyes were fixated in amazement at the spectacular large shining gold and silver scales on the dragon and his magnificent stature. Its ten yard long tail was encircling him.
" I-I am Derek Basilisk, I came here as the loyal servant of his majesty to get the Zolam diamond."

A loud chortle of laughter erupted a few flames from his mouth. "Loyal! I sense you do not have much loyalty to the crown."

Derek grinned, he felt strangely fearless in front of the dragon who was staring at him with intimidation.
"Maybe... So will you not let me have it? Or will my life not be spared?"

"You can pledge loyalty to me." The dragon flicked its tail creating a minor earth quake "If you pledge loyalty to me, I can consider giving you the diamond and sparing you."

Derek knelt on one knee "Then I pledge loyalty to you..... Great Sage of Illusion."

The dragon let out a loud growl and with the thick swirl of mist appeared an old man in a long brown robe and a long white beard reaching his knee.
"Damn it, you got me. How the heck do you know who I am, Lad?"

Derek grinned "It is a secret, my master. After all, dragons ceased to exist in this forest years ago."

The man frowned and he began to throw his grizzly haired head back and laugh loudly. "You got me. Most of my victims were idiots who hadn't studied. Hmmm...Basilisk house, you say at least that old cranky brother of mine used his eyes for once on choosing a strong duchy."

Derek's eyes widened. Though he had known the dragon would be the Great Sage of Illusion what he didn't know was the fact he was related to the King.
"Don't look like that. I hate him. I won't tell him you are not that loyal. Instead now you have pledged your loyalty to me so from now on you will be my apprentice."

"Apprentice? And what will that include master?"

"You have to come back here after delivering the diamond and then accompany me to Zeda Kingdom."

"Zeda Kingdom might not welcome us."

The old man gave a wicked smile "There's no need for any welcome. We just need to get there first."

Derek stared at the man who in turn gave him a grave stare back. Then he made up his mind "Indeed, as you wish master."

Cory gazed at the mesmerizing giant Black diamond in Derek's hand. "You got it fast man."

"Well I got myself a master as well."


"Cory you go and give the diamond to Prince Edgar. I need to stop by somewhere."

"What are you planning?"

"To go on a little trip."

"What the-"

"Don't worry, I met the Great Sage of Illusion and will accompany on a mission."

Cory's eyes widened as his mouth remained open "Yo-You mean the one who disappeared years ago."

"Right, if we can get his support then we are not far from our goal."

"But do you think it will be that easy. His Majesty may be under 'his' control and 'he' is a sorcerer after all."

"We gotta try. Till I find truth about Edith's death I will also try to help the forgotten people. The dispute lands have had no food and water from the government so we need to do some changes."

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I was in the greenhouse practicing a spell to make the plants harvest fruit. I jumped with his voice" Edith, you are quite diligent."

"You scared me. Why are you back? Did you finish your mission?"

"I am back to see your face," he answered completely ignoring my second question.

He came near me and I frowned "If you have seen enough then leave. I have to practice."

"OK, I'll leave soon."
His words sounded odd so I looked at his face. There was something unsaid in his eyes and also some determination.

"What are you up to? Are you going somewhere?"

"Maybe... Edith will you grant me a wish now since I came back safe?"

"If-If I can, yes," I hesitated but he chuckled. Then he knelt on one knee and took my hand "Then will you agree to marry me?"

I blushed heavily, my face must have turned to a tomato. Also I was a little angry so I quickly withdrew my hand. But seeing his gaze, I could feel he was hiding something. Also he was kind of giving the atmosphere as if he was going on a distant journey.

I was about to question him when my chest suddenly began to hurt. I clutched my heart as my face wrenched in pain.
Derek held me by the shoulder "Edith, what's wrong?"
I wanted to reply but the pain was too much. In the end he had already carried me to the infirmary and the healer put me to a deep sleep.

"Derek..." I reached out my hand and he refused it. His expression was cold and the gentleness had disappeared.
"I told you... Leave me alone." his words cut the empty air like ice. I couldn't bear the pain. He was going farther from me yet I tried to chase him only to find my feet trapped in a chain.

"Edith..." I heard a soft murmur and opened my eyes. Derek was holding my hand by the bedside and I could feel the pain in my chest had disappeared.
His face was lowered into the hand he was holding so he didn't notice I was awake. "I am sorry... I never should have left you alone."

I felt the tears coming to my eyes. He lifted his head and his face lightened seeing me.
"Edith, finally-are you-" he couldn't ask further as I put my arms around his neck and hugged him.

He must be really shocked by my action. But he just returned the hug silently. Remembering his cold gaze, I didn't want him to look at me like that, I was afraid he would turn cold, if I didn't express my feelings. I was afraid he would.....forget me.

"Will you promise?" I asked as my nose was still stuck in his shirt "Promise not to leave me."

He stroked my head "Yes... I promise."

I tightened my hug and we stayed like that for a while. I had fallen asleep, when I woke up to find him standing near the window and looking out.

"Edith... I have to go on a small trip. I will be back soon then you won't have to worry about anything again."

"Where are you going?"

He smiled and stroked my cheek "Can I tell later? I don't want you to worry. Don't worry, I will come back victorious."

"Come back alive, first," I teased as he grinned. He kissed my forehead and went out of the ward. I think I knew where he was headed. Since he got the diamond, he must have met the Sage of Illusion. In my previous life as well, he was able to meet the sage but he didn't go to the Zeda Kingdom with him, as the original plot allowed.

In the original, Derek managed to go to Zeda kingdom and then he was able to form many connections with foreign royalty. His majesty becomes very pleased and allows Derek to spy for information. This makes the ending sad as Derek then becomes a puppet to both the King and the Prince who realized Derek's love for the female lead. He had to end up like their dog killing for them and covering up their deeds which made Derek go mad and kill himself.

Last time, he could not recognize the Sage of illusion so he was safe from going to that kingdom. But this time he had recognized him. Due to Derek's rebellious attitude these days I felt like he would not be following every Regal order, so I decided not to stop him.

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