Chapter 23

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Pam was having lunch with me. Derek had some business to take care of as he was going to give up his heir title.

She poked her fried egg with her fork quite absently. I saw her and smiled "My dear Pam, looks like you had a good time last night."

She frowned immediately "What do you mean?"

"Cory seems like he likes you a lot."

She continued to frown "Nothing happened ok. Besides if last night was any good, it should be for you my dear Edith."

I blushed and stared at her "Pam, I am talking about you not me. I am letting you know, not everyone will be like the crown Prince."

She sighed "I-I don't know, Edith. I just can't seem to love. It's unfair for him if I just hang onto him."

"Pam, you can think for him because you do have a slight feeling, don't you? Why don't you let him know? Give him a chance and yourself too."

She gave a slight smile, "Fine, by the way you know I have something important to ask you. You said Reggie Will was near the Lavera bar when you went there right?"

"Yeah, he stopped me when I was going down the road feeling upset. But he was there near the place, I think he said he had some business there anyway I didn't bother to ask. Why? Is there any problem?"

"No...I just felt it was an odd timing, maybe it is nothing."

I told about this to Derek who came home with a tired face and flopped on the sofa next to me.
He raised an eyebrow "You met him there too."

"Yes I happened to. I guess it was better than going into a place like that without my knights. I was just too hurt and angry with the news."

Suddenly Derek pulled me into a hug. I was confused but he didn't let go till a long time passed. "I don't want you to meet with Reggie Will again."

I frowned "What do you mean? We are just friends."

He looked away something was bothering him. I saw he was upset but his request sounded ridiculous. Was he jealous? No it was like something else was bothering him.

I took his hand "Are you OK?"

"Yes... I... I just don't feel right about him."

I sighed "Fine, since you are so bothered I will try to keep my distance from him."

"Thanks honey," he said and leant in for a kiss.
But I avoided it "Derek, are you sure we don't need to meet your father?"

He leant back "Yes, he broke his promise first." Derek was holding onto my hand. He had already told me about what his father had done in the previous life.
I looked at him. He fell asleep on the sofa. I brushed back the hair on his face and went to the study.

Standing in the garden and watching the blooming flowers calmed me. Derek moved to Whittling mansion after the wedding. He said he planned to take me, mom, Pam and Cory on a trip.

At the moment he was behind me and a hand held onto mine.
"Edith, Would you like to be a Queen?"

I raised an eyebrow and laughed "A Queen? Hmmm every girl sure likes to get treated as one but if you are asking me in the ruling sense then no."

"Why not? You can have all the power you need and make all the improvements."

I grinned "Well for one, I don't really have that much knowledge and I don't want to live focusing too much on a lot of other work which won't make me happy.... Why are you suddenly asking anyway?"

He smiled "I know it but what do we do? I accepted to be King of Zeda Kingdom."

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prince Edgar eyed his father who gave him a cold glance in return.

"So Derek plans to go to Zeda kingdom. No wonder he gave up the title of Basilisk."

"Yes, father so please give me permission to mobilize the troops. I also need full authority on the chasing spies."

King Waze looked at his son mockingly "Edgar, as the crown Prince I suggest you find more ways to benefit through your own power and especially in choosing a befitting spouse unlike a forgotten nobles daughter." This made Edgar grit his teeth. He was fed up of hearing Wendy's name. Yet he composed himself, showing emotions would only made the King more amused.

"I do not wish to make her my spouse, father. With your permission I'd like to re-establish the engagement between me and Lady Roster."

The King laughed "Ada was right. She did say you would regret it. I think son as long as her family agrees I have no objection. But it does seem Lady Roster has another suitor."

Edgar was unhappy with the result of the meeting. He knew telling the Queen was useless after all she wasn't even his biological mother so King Renald Waze mercilessly mocked him and now even showed his lacking prowess as crown Prince. His fury only grew as soon as he entered his dimly lit study. He went to the figure squirming in the corner.

Lifting his hand, he slapped the face already swollen from an old bruise. Then he knelt and stroked her cheek. "My lovely Wendy, you should never have tried to get Derek's attention. How dare you betray me?"

"But... But your highness. You... You like Pamela Roster."

He grabbed her by the neck suddenly "If you knew, then why did you pull such a cheap trick? Because of you our engagement was cancelled. You have to then be with me whether I like you or not."

She struggled to get out of his grasp. Her hands were bound to a rope so she couldn't do much than gasp for air. Still she managed to say "I-I never asked my aunt to give me the letter. She told-told a white haired lady asked her to do so."

The grip loosened but not the maniacal madness in his eyes. "Did you say... A white haired woman?"

Wendy nodded but just as she thought he would let her be, he pinned her hands above her head against the wall.
"Don't lie... Pam would never do that. You are just saying it because you don't want to take the blame."

He began slapping her again. Then he unbound the rope around her hands and lifted her up. "Oh sweet Wendy, you know you must really obey me."

He took her to his room and laid her on the bed as she whimpered. Then he took her hand and stroked it slowly for a while. His eyes never left her face as she avoided his gaze knowing if she looked at him, he would get angry again. "You know, the pink haired friend who said she wanted to help us. Well you must find her now...  She has a lot she must do. Of course my dear queen will obey me, won't she?"
Wendy felt the shiver on her back. Her tears kept falling but if she ever talked back now, it would be another hell of pain. Edgar would then torture her in the dungeons or hand her over to his guards to play with her. She nodded slowly causing Edgar to smile. He then opened the door and nodded his head "Out you go my queen. As long as you do as I say. I shall be very pleased."

Wendy walked outside. She knew if she ran then he would strap her back to bed. She couldn't do anything though she seemed like she was a free woman, a chasing spy observed her every move. She hated Edith for getting a happy ending when it should have been her. After all she prepared even helping Countess Tori and finding a poison that spelt sickness still she was unable to get rid of Edith. It was as of someone already knew of her plans. Countess Tori was easily executed and Cornea managed to get hold of the poison before she did making her have a chance to join the Crown Prince's side.
She was desperate now to get away from the crown Prince. He had lost his sanity and would never let go of her till he can get his hands on... Pam. But how... How can she bring her to him? And even that would not guarantee a safe life ahead. The prince will still trap her and follow her. She had to find someone stronger...really stronger.

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