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november, 2023

        IT WAS FINALLY THE FIRST GAME OF THE season and the group was more than prepared. Many awaited the day Le'ana debuted with UConn and it had finally arrived. Criticism awaited the girl the minute the stream started, fans worldwide prepared to argue why she wasn't as good as claimed to be. LSU fans watched on in anger and betrayal at Le'ana's first game. UConn fans saw a slither of hope in their eyes as they prayed she'd do great things for the team.

Le'ana Rodes, stepped onto the court for the UConn Huskies, donning their blue and white jersey for the first time against Dayton. The transition from LSU was laden with whispers of controversy, as rumours swirled of a promising player ruined by constraints beyond her control. But tonight, under the bright lights of UConn's home court, Le'ana was prepared to write a new chapter, a chapter of revenge, resilience, and raw talent. She'd show Kim Mulkey what she was worth. That's all this was to her, a redemption.

The anticipation hung thick in the air as the crowd roared with excitement, eager to witness the debut of this enthralling transfer. She had been the talk of the off-season for weeks now and finally, she was prepared to show why she was so highly spoken of. From the very first dribble, it was evident that she was a force to be reckoned with. Her movements on the court were poetry in motion, each step calculated, each shot executed with precision. The game unfolded with a rhythm that seemed orchestrated by fate itself.

"Le'ana is just commanding the court with an unmatchable finesse, she's effortlessly weaving herself through defenders and sinking baskets with the grace of a seasoned veteran. Her performance is nothing short of breathtaking as she dominates every facet of the game." Spoke commentators, as they witnessed true greatness.

Jaws hung wide open in shock as she sunk another three. Tweets left the accounts of some of the greats, from Steph Curry to LeBron James. Press conferences after NBA games consisted of players, such as Luka Doncic, running to finish the interview just to watch her play. The phenomenon was coming to life.

As the game progressed, the scoreboard lit up in UConn's favour, a testament to the collective brilliance of her teammates. Yet amidst the cheers, it was Le'ana who stood out, her presence on the court electrifying, her impact undeniable.

With each basket, she silenced the doubts that had plagued her journey, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was destined for greatness. She witnessed regret on the face of LSU fans, on the face of Kim Mulkey, and the face of the basketball world.

In the midst of the game's intensity, amidst the roar of the crowd and the relentless pace on the court, there existed a connection beyond borders between Le'ana Rodes and Paige Bueckers, one that went past casual teamwork.

Their chemistry was a thing of beauty, talent and intuition that seemed to defy explanation. Commentators struggled to understand where this friendship formed, or how it translated so well on the court. With every pass, every glance, it was as if they shared a secret language, one that only they could understand. The glance shared memories of Le'ana shooting her first hoops in the UConn gym and meeting Paige's icy blues. Memories were shared over the night Paige revealed a glimpse into her sexuality, changing Le'ana's complete understanding of her. They found themselves showing the night they lay comfortably in each other's arms or their cliché argument in the rain. Whatever memory was portrayed in the duo's eyes, it led to unbreakable chemistry. Le'ana's drives to the basket were often set up by Paige. Conversely, her rebounds created second-chance opportunities that Paige capitalised on with her deadly outside shot.

But it wasn't just their on-court prowess that set them apart; it was the genuine friendship that underpinned their dynamic partnership. It was clear to not only the girls they shared the court with, who saw them every day, but also Geno who slowly realised the power of the pair. Off the court, they were inseparable, sharing inside jokes and offering each other unwavering support. They pushed each other to be better, challenging one another to reach new levels of excellence.

As they stood side by side on the court, their bond was evident for all to see. There was a mutual respect and admiration that transcended the game itself, a shared understanding that together, they were capable of achieving greatness.

For Le'ana and Paige, the court was not a battleground; it was a stage upon which they forged a friendship that would endure long after the final buzzer sounded. And as they looked ahead to the challenges yet to come, they did so with the knowledge that together, there was nothing they couldn't achieve.

When the final buzzer sounded, the scoreboard told the story of a resounding victory for the Huskies, a 102-58 triumph over Dayton. But for Le'ana, the significance of this game extended far beyond the final score. It was a statement, a declaration of her arrival on the grandest stage of collegiate basketball. Dropping an astonishing 27 points in her debut, she had not only silenced her critics but had also etched her name into the annals of UConn basketball lore. And in that moment, as the team celebrated their first victory together, Paige glanced over to Le'ana. Le'ana's eyes were already on her. By the second their eyes met, it was a testimony to one thing. It was clear that their partnership was destined to leave an indelible mark on the history of UConn basketball.

As she walked off the court to the deafening applause of the crowd, a triumphant smile graced Le'ana's face, a testament to the resilience that had carried her to this moment. For in that game, she had not only proven her worth as a player but had also cemented her place as a true standout in the storied history of UConn basketball. And as she looked ahead to the games yet to come, one thing was certain: Le'ana Rodes was just getting started.

it's not gonna be a game
per chapter but it was
the season opener so i
just had to dedicate this
chapter to the dayton game :))

i've officially planned
out every single chapter
of this book be proud of me

in advance, sorry for the
ending. dont kill me. are you
even a good writer if all your
readers don't threaten to kill,
jump or fight you ???

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