In Being An Omega (Part 2)

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"You said you would be here at 10, it's already 10:30!" June hissed as soon as he opened the door.

Yoo Jin gave him a look upon seeing him. "What are you wearing?" he asked, looking at the bunny ears and the butler leotard his friend wore.

June rolled his eyes. "You can't tell by looking?"

"Boss is making you guys dress up?"

"Boss isn't making us do anything. We decided on it. Since that other club opened up, we've been struggling."

His brow rose in surprise. "It's that bad?"

"Ah... don't look at me like that. It's nothing you need to worry about," he said, slapping him on the shoulder before stepping aside to let him in, "you've got enough to worry about without thinking about us."

June led the way into the backroom and Yoo Jin's eyes immediately honed in on the large round ball of fluff on his backside. "You even have a tail," he said.

His friend laughed and shook his bottom, the round fluff bouncing from side to side. "Well yeah, you know how much our clients love asses. These costumes are like a frenzied dream to them. Na Bi is watching Eun Ha right now."

Yoo Jin stopped him in his tracks. "Is it really that bad?" he asked him, his tone serious.

His friend turned to look at him. "There's nothing you can do about it." He then sighed upon seeing the stubborn look on Yoo Jin's face. "The rival is an omega exclusive club and well I don't know where the owner is getting his omegas but they certainly don't look like us." June scratched his head, readjusting the headband when it slipped. "They are gorgeous and you know, boss has a tendency to take in the worn. Not that we're not hot." He slapped his own ass, the flesh bounced back in perfect elasticity. "It's just a whole different breed over there. And as you know, we even take in the beta women that have nowhere to go and since most of our clients only ever want to see omegas, they think it's better worth their money over there."

He sighed but then grinned. "What's the deal – you don't even work here anymore anyways. Unless you want to put on the costume?" He laughed at the expression on Yoo Jin's face before opening the door to the back room.

A happy giggle met them and Yoo Jin turned to see the source of the sound. Na Bi, a beta whose husband had left her and their child for another woman on her 34th birthday, two years back sat upon the large couch in the middle of the room. Beside her was an unusually tall man and looking up at him, smiling broadly, was a little girl.

Yoo Jin paused. It felt as though he hadn't seen his sister smile in a long time.

"Look who's finally showed up," June said loudly into the room.

All three heads turned to look at him. Yoo Jin's eyes briefly met that of the owner's before he stood and made his way toward them. "Tae Yoo Jin," he said, looking down at him with sharp eyes. "It's been a while."

Yoo Jin winced slightly. Though the unbelievably tall man before him was an omega, the air about him seemed to suit that of an alpha more. It was imposing, deafening in a silent way, and made Yoo Jin squirm with guilt.

The owner of the strip club "Cranes", Chae Liam had been the sole reason why Yoo Jin had not immediately deteriorated when he had left his parent's home at the age of 16. He had taken in a battered kid who barely had ten dollars in his pockets and nowhere to go. Of course, Yoo Jin had been too young to be one of his dancers and with a boring face like his and a fairly lean but slightly too muscular body, he wasn't what the clientele generally looked for. The boss though had refused to kick him out and had instead found other uses for him. He put Yoo Jin to work partly as a bouncer and as a busboy and when he got old enough, as a sort of manager to run the floor.

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