Be My Omega

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The youngest son of the Mirae Group, the most sought after bachelor in the country, handsome, educated, powerful was, in an unbelievable moment, flailing his limb wildly about the now emptied floor, as a small creature clung to his leg.

"Get it off!" he yelled. "Why is it biting me?"

His leg swung in a large arch as his body guards tried and failed in grabbing the little creature that clung to him in a deathlike grip that Yoo Jin knew all too well.

Was this really the same alpha? Yoo Jin wondered as he gazed at the scene before him, stunned. The alpha's shirt was now untucked and his previously styled hair stuck about in all directions as he tried to yet again unsuccessfully pry her off his leg but her grip merely tightened and Yoo Jin watched in fascination as his sister raised her head, angling it before once again biting down with a noticeable force.

The alpha yelped in pain and Yoo Jin rushed forward, scared that this man, who was several times the child's size would hurt her. But before he could get to them, the alpha plopped down into the floor, extending his leg above him and simply shook his leg in an attempt to loosen the child's grip but his hands did not touch her.

Yoo Jin paused for a moment as he watched the scene before him. He was suddenly and inexplicably certain that this alpha would not harm her.

"Get off! Get off! Get off!" the alpha repeated over and over again, shaking his leg, though not as vigorously as he could, Yoo Jin noticed.

He stepped forward, the bodyguards now simply watching, standing in a circle around their ward, and called out in a sharp voice, "Tae Eun Ha." He then watched as her head turned slightly but her teeth remained sunk deeply in the alpha's leg.

Any other day, he would have been proud of her and her fighting spirit but not now and not when she was about to rip out a chunk of a very, very expensive leg.

Yoo Jin made an attempt to grab her but the alpha was still trying to shake her off. Irritated, Yoo Jin's hand moved swiftly forward and grasped the alpha's leg in a tight hold, halting its movements and with his other hand, he gently pushed a thumb into his sister's mouth, forcing her to release her bite. He then grabbed her beneath her arms and hulled her off and away from the alpha, holding her tight against his chest.

The alpha watched the entirety of the event, his hair still in disarray, his right leg still up in the air. He then stood, scrambling as he lifted his pant leg to see a bright, red mark upon his leg in the shape of a small mouth. But at least there was no blood.

"Look at this!" he exclaimed, pointing at the mark. He then turned to the man beside him and barked an order, "Call Dr. Yoon and have him prepare a rabies test."


Yoo Jin then watched with growing apprehension as the alpha slowly straightened his spine, adjusted his clothes, and patted down his hair until almost nothing remained of the flailing man that had been there a moment before. He was now back to the alpha that Yoo Jin recognized from the club. His hold tightened around Eun Ha.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"You were hard to find," said the alpha with an annoyed expression, "Tae Yoo Jin."

Yoo Jin tensed. "Who the hell said you can just call me by my name?"

But the alpha ignored him. "You gave a fake name to the club and my people were forced to spend all afternoon trying to find out who you were."

Yoo Jin felt the color drain from his face. Why? What was so important? Surely he couldn't be so petty as to care about a little scratch, a scratch that couldn't even be seen anymore....

The Impossible Virgin Omega WizardWhere stories live. Discover now