'Ghost' (Part 1)

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There were exactly two conclusions Yoo Jin was forced to make that day.

One. Wizards and mana or magic were real... apparently.

Two. Money and power did not free one from the reach of insanity as evidenced by the man before him. This alpha, the youngest son of the most powerful group in the country, Moon Tae Hyun, was evidently, indisputably... crazy.

"What the hell does that even mean?... You want me to marry you?" he asked him in disbelief.

The alpha, whose name he just recalled, looked at him for a long moment then let out a small laugh. "Don't be absurd."

"What the hell?" Yoo Jin grumbled, annoyed. "If not that then what? You want me to be your mate?"

He laughed again and continued to laugh as though the absurdity of it tickled him.

"Quit with that," said Yoo Jin through gritted teeth. "Just say what the hell you mean."
"It's simple," he replied haughtily, as if anyone with a brain could figure out his muddied way of thinking. "It's not as permanent as you seem to think. If you had thought about it a bit, you'd realize that it's unimaginable that I would want to stay with an omega like you for a lifetime."

Yoo Jin blinked. Lifetime? Hadn't he ever heard of divorce?

"I simply want to sleep with you once every few weeks, I doubt I could tolerate any more than that."

Yoo Jin's mouth opened, horrified. He was after his body?

"Don't misunderstand," the alpha continued as though he read his mind. "I'm not attracted to you by any means. I simply need your pheromones to stabilize my own."

Yoo Jin stared at him, his horrified expression turned into bafflement.

What was this alpha on? Sure, omegas and alphas did use sex to stabilize pheromones, especially during their heat but then any omega could do. Yoo Jin was certain that this man had the pick of the litter so then why was he so bent on having him?

"You're speechless, I see" the alpha continued. "Of course you are, it isn't every day that a high level alpha like me would propose such a –"

"Stupid plan," Yoo Jin finished for him. "No, I'm not going to sleep with you."

"Of course you'll have to go to the academy and I suppose I'll have to request you to be part of our party. I doubt you'll be of much value in the raids but just your pheromones should be enough to maximize my output."

"Just stop talking for a moment," Yoo Jin yelled. The alpha was simply just not listening to him. There was no way he would agree to such a ridiculous plan especially when this idiot just kept talking without explaining anything. Even if it meant that they could receive the financial assistance that they desperately needed...

He paused and turned to look at Liam. He was still sitting in his chair, watching them with a quiet, assessing gaze. Yoo Jin then looked around. Despite the fact that the floors of the establishment were marble, it was a rather shabby place for a club, years of wear and lack of funds making it difficult to maintain its upkeep. If a man like Moon Tae Hyun was willing to provide financial compensation for his body, Yoo Jin was certain he could likely get enough, no more than enough to cover their debt and ensure the future of the club, not to mention his sister's future as well.

Was his ass and dignity really worth giving that up? He subconsciously grabbed at his behind for a moment, horrified at the picture that ran briefly through his mind.

"Yoo Jin, don't agree to it," said Liam and Yoo Jin turned once more to look at him. He couldn't possibly imagine Liam without his club, it was the embodiment of who he was. Sure, it was a strip club but it allowed him and all the people he had helped to be independent in this world that didn't give them much of a chance. Of course, it hadn't always been sunshine and rainbows, they've had their share of rowdy customers, gangsters, and even those who straight up tried to rob them or assault one of the dancers. But it was theirs and it was something they could all lay claim to as their home.

And to Yoo Jin, it was where he got his first taste at freedom. All his friends were there, all the people he cared about, it was where he learned to be who he was though he may have come out of it a little rough around the edges and maybe could have focused a little bit more on his studies. But he knew what he valued, he knew the value of having something important to fight for.

But damn it was grating to have to give up the virginity he had never planned to give out. As far as he saw himself, he was a man, despite being an omega. And to have to give it up and especially to a guy like that was so incredibly maddening.

"Why do you need me to help stabilize your pheromones?" he asked him, suspiciously. "Does it have to do with that whole wizard thing?"

The alpha began to grow impatient. "Do I have to explain everything to you?"

He was flummoxed. Where the hell else would he get an explanation then? Yoo Jin was certain that wizards had never been part of the curriculum at school. In fact, he was certain that most people still thought that they were simply myths, part of an overused fantasy plot.

Suddenly the sounds of loud footsteps were heard outside of Liam's office. It was so loud, Yoo Jin briefly wondered if there was a stampede in the hallway and before he could even place his hand upon the doorknob to see what the commotion was about, the door swung open to reveal...


Then suddenly, a strong gust of wind with no obvious origins swept into the room with terrifying precision, first toppling over a large stack of documents, sending the loose material flying over the room like startled doves, then slamming the chair Yoo Jin had vacated into Liam's desk before beelining straight for Yoo Jin himself.

His eyes widened. Like wind, it was imperceivable and yet somewhere in its transparency he saw something– a face perhaps? Distorted and disturbing, it was translucent and yet he could distinctly make out a wide mouth and eyes but he saw it only for a second before it vanished into the air that it was evidently made up of before swallowing him whole into its embrace.

Startled, Yoo Jin reached out to grab ahold of something, at anything but his fingers fell through, cutting into this... air but stopping nothing. He gulped and a strange metallic taste enveloped into his mouth as it tried to suffocate him with the life giving element, expanding his lungs and running across his skin like naked razor blades.

The wind-like thing drew him high up into the air and he could see Liam shouting and moving around beneath him, his usually immaculate long hair in disarray, swaying with the wind. He was alone...

Yoo Jin twisted around. Where had the alpha gone? He wondered as he desperately tried to hold his breath, slapping his hand over his nose to prevent its intrusion. He looked around, his vision blurring, but could not see him. The alpha had run away.


Of course he had, he should have never expected anything more from him or from any alpha. What value did they really bring to society? Looking down upon omegas and betas, debilitating them with their pheromones, dictating the way of the biased world. Society had declared them to be the strongest of the sexes, the most valuable, the protectors and yet where were they?

Yoo Jin was rapidly losing consciousness but despite that the injustice that swelled up within him only seemed to grow stronger and so did a growing fear... what would happen to Eun Ha and Liam and June and the club?

The alpha had provided them a perfect way out though it included not so small of a sacrifice but one Yoo Jin was now willing to give. If only he could survive to do so.

He reached out a hand again, driven by a ruthless determination he'd never felt before and this time, his hand came into contact with something.

It was warm and large but he couldn't see it for his vision had already gone dark.

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