His Woman

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His Woman

Joe woke up to find himself snuggled up next to Ashanti. He smiled with a sigh, feeling his body against hers. "I could get used to this," Joe whispered, his lips kissing her forehead softly.

"You better," Ashanti mumbled, opening her eyes and looking up at Joe.

"How long have you been awake?" Joe asked Ashanti.

Ashanti covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she let out a yawn. "Mmm hmm, about ten minutes before you woke up. You have a tight grip and your leg was straddling me," Ashanti answered.

Joe laughed as he said, "I hope I didn't crush you." She loved seeing his deep, chesty laughs.

"No, not at all," She said as she moved to get her phone. Joe moved right along with her. "Are you for real, sir?" She asked him.

"I told you last night, we are snatched to the hip now," He replied as she grabbed her phone.

Ashanti's phone lit up and revealed several text message notifications. She screamed as she unlocked her phone to read the messages from Galina, who sent her a photo of herself and Joe in bed.

"Well, you don't have to worry about telling Galina about us because she was here and saw us," She said as she showed him the photo that Galina had taken of them while she was there to pick up the kids.

Joe shook his head as he stared at the picture. "We were dead to the world. You know that makes us the perfect victims for serial killers," He said.

Ashanti rolled her eyes. "Joe...Galina sent it through the group chat," She said as she revealed what message thread she was in.

Joe groaned. "Oh, they are going to harass us," he said, rolling over to grab his phone with Ashanti still in his arms.

Ashanti laughed. "Unhand me," She said.

"No," He said as he unlocked his phone and saw all the text messages from his cousins. "Yeah, we will know no peace today," He said as Joshua texted him that they wanted to throw something on the grill to celebrate Joe and Ashanti getting together.

Joe texted Joshua and told him they better not come over on no bullshit or else he was beating their asses. Joshua texted back that they would be on their best behavior. Joe put his phone down and then crushed Ashanti under his body with a smile on his face.

"Oh my goodness! I can't breathe!" She screamed, dramatically under Joe, hitting his side. "Get off of me," She said.

After fifteen minutes of lying there, they got up and Ashanti went to the guest bedroom where she had some clothes from staying over in the past stored in the closet and to take a shower. At the same time, Joe was taking a shower, thinking about his woman.

After twenty minutes, Joe and Ashanti emerged from their bedrooms simultaneously. They exchanged startled glances before Joe strode over to Ashanti, scooped her up around the waist, and carried her down the stairs, eliciting a surprised squeal and burst of laughter. He gently set her down on the kitchen floor.

"What are we eating? And no, don't say we can order something, Joe, I want a home-cooked meal," She said As his gaze softened by the second, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to her lips. "What was that for?" She asked him.

"I wanted my first kiss of the day," He told her.

She bit her lip, surrendering to his touch. "First kiss of the day? Are you expecting me to kiss you all the time and throughout the day?" She asked him, arching an eyebrow in amusement.

"Well yes," He answered.

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