Power Struggle

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Power Struggle

Ashanti and Joe's relationship took an unexpected turn after her conversation with Jonathan.

Though they had seemed happy and affectionate earlier in the day, Ashanti became withdrawn and pensive on the tour bus, staring distantly out the window until Joe snapped his fingers to get her attention.

"What's on your mind?" he asked, concerned by her change in demeanor.

Ashanti took a deep breath and revealed that she had booked modeling jobs for Paris Fashion Week, which conflicted with his schedule.

Joe congratulated her dream opportunity enthusiastically, saying this had always been the plan once her career took off.

However, he noticed Ashanti still seemed conflicted, not as thrilled as he expected.

When he asked what was wrong, Ashanti hesitated before admitting there was more they needed to discuss.

She nervously played with her fingers, building up the courage to have a serious conversation about their future.

Though Joe urged her to open up, Ashanti approached the subject delicately, asking if he wanted more children or marriage again someday. Joe affirmed wholeheartedly that was his desire.

But Ashanti shook her head, explaining she didn't share the same timeline and wasn't sure she ever wanted those things.

Her modeling career was just taking off. She feared their differing views on family meant the relationship wouldn't work long-term.

Joe felt his heart break as she essentially ended things between them before they began, all because of a future he thought they shared.

When he asked who planted this seed of doubt, Ashanti refused to reveal her source.

Desperate to change her mind, Joe insisted he could be flexible, even foregoing marriage and more kids if it meant keeping her.

But Ashanti refused to let him give up his dreams for her. With a heavy sigh, she resolved to return his keys and find a replacement assistant, severing both their personal and professional ties.

Though Joe pleaded with her to reconsider, Ashanti remained firm that their paths no longer aligned.

She hoped he could understand her perspective even if it caused him pain. Their parting conversation left Joe confused and heartbroken over the sudden loss of a woman and the future he cherished.

The next week, when Joe met up with his cousins, he asked which one had spoken with Ashanti. Joseph and Joshua shook their heads in confusion, but Jonathan immediately looked guilty.

Joe knew it had been him. "What did you say to her? She broke up with me," Joe demanded of Jonathan.

Jonathan was taken aback, not expecting their conversation to have led to a breakup.

"We just talked, uce. I'm sorry, I didn't think she would end things," Jonathan explained.

Joshua shook his head in disapproval at his twin.

"You're always putting your foot in your mouth," he scolded, before turning to Joe and putting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Why did she end it? What are you going to do?" Joshua asked.

Joe glared at Jonathan as he answered, "He told her I wanted to get married and have more kids. That doesn't fit with what she wants."

Joseph clicked his tongue in frustration. "And you had just got her to commit. We need to help you get your girl back," he said firmly.

They all turned to Jonathan. "What can I do?" he asked, willing to make amends. "Whatever you said, convince her you were talking nonsense," Joseph advised.

But Joe just sighed, "She won't listen to him." Jonathan frowned, he felt bad.

"Then show her you support her dreams," Joseph suggested. "How?" Joe asked desperately.

"Go to Paris, where she's headed for Fashion Week. Support her there," Joseph proposed, knowing Ashanti was being accompanied by Galina so she could help Joe get around Paris to see Ashanti.

Jonathan, racked with guilt over causing the breakup, pulled out his phone and sent Ashanti a long, heartfelt text, hoping she would show compassion and reconsider ending things with Joe.

Joe nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll go to Paris, but someone has to cover for me at this work event," he said.

They all looked pointedly at Jonathan. "It's the least I can do after the drama I caused," he agreed.

Joe shook his head, saying bluntly, "The very least."

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