The Real WAG Life

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The Real WAG Life

It hasn't been an easy two weeks for Ashanti. Making the switch from Joe's assistant to Joe's girlfriend was great but being Joe's girlfriend while being a model was not easy.

Besides working hard, Ashanti found herself dealing with haters on Twitter calling her a gold digger when a photo of her and Joe was posted on a wrestling forum.

The sudden onslaught of negative attention came as a shock, with strangers online accusing her of being an opportunist and using Joe for his fame and money.

While Ashanti tried not to let the cruel words get to her, what bothered her was the false headlines swirling about how she and Joe first got together.

Bloggers were claiming Ashanti had been Joe's mistress behind the scenes, insinuating she was a homewrecker who broke up his previous relationship.

But that narrative was completely untrue - Ashanti understood why Joe was so private now. He likely wanted to avoid drama and rumors like this.

Frustrated by the inaccurate gossip and character attacks, Ashanti began gathering screenshots to send to her lawyer. She was determined to sue several blogs for defamation of character and libel.

Thankfully this mess didn't affect her modeling work itself. "Another one," Joe sighed as he glanced at Ashanti's phone, seeing she was collecting yet another problematic post to document.

"Yup," Ashanti nodded, feeling discouraged.

Joe offered to release a statement to help clear the air and set the record straight. Ashanti appreciated the gesture - she knew if this continued to be what dating an athlete entailed, she wasn't sure she could handle it.

The constant scrutiny and judgment from strangers threatened to push her patience to the brink. Ashanti worried she might even end up in jail if someone provoked her badly enough in person and she lost her temper.

Sensing her rising stress and anger over the situation, Joe wanted to do whatever it took to make it go away so they could just be happy together.

After only two weeks of reunited, they were already facing dramatic rumors and controversy. "This is the WAG life Galina warned me about - and honestly, she really could have prepared me better," Ashanti said with a wry chuckle, trying to keep perspective.

Still, Joe couldn't help but worry Ashanti would break up with him again over this. "You're not going to break up with me again, are you?" he asked anxiously.

Ashanti quickly shook her head, reassuring him, "A few haters aren't going to make me leave you." Then she glanced ruefully down at her nails, adding, "But they will end up being the reason I go to jail because I will pop one of them in their mouth as soon as I catch them talking trash in person."

Joe's eyes widened in alarm at the mental image. "Yeah, no - keep your hands to yourself and let your lawyer handle them legally," he urged, not wanting her to jeopardize her career by brawling over rumors.

If this was the ugly side of dating in the public eye, they'd have to develop thick skin. But he hoped the worst was behind them now.

Later that day, Joe decided to surprise his girlfriend Ashanti with an adorable toy poodle puppy that she had been coveting for years. Ashanti was overjoyed when Joe arrived at her doorstep with the fluffy bundle of joy in his arms, as she had long desired a poodle of her own but never had the chance to get one until now.

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