The Blacksmith

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Sorry I didn't update the past two weeks! Here is a longer chapter to enjoy. I will still post a new update every Saturday/Sunday. Anyways, I'm not sure if anyone will read this but enjoy! 😁😊

My vision for Sachi's weapon is Asuna's rapier from SAO. 🗡️


Ryuu and I tore through the maze-like alleys, his relentless pace urging me to match his swift strides as we darted past the throngs of people crowding the town's streets. Bursting into the infirmary, we found Hana attending to the wounded, her expression etched with worry.

"Is everything alright? How did it go?" she gasped, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"We may have uncovered some crucial information, but we need to regroup with Natsu and Sora. Have you seen them?" I asked urgently, scanning the room.

Hana glanced around before spotting Sora and Natsu on the rooftop. "Sora, Natsu!" Ryuu's voice rang out, summoning them down to join us.

As we gathered, the tension in the room became palpable. Ryuu and I divulged our findings about the village's treachery, recounting the Kodama's revelation and the looming threat posed by the kamitachi smuggled in by a human merchant.

"How could he slip past the Miyako kingdom's border wall unnoticed?" Hana's concern was evident in her voice.

"I considered that as we made our way here," Ryuu pondered, "but he may be well-known, and the guards trust him. They likely only give his wagon a loose inspection."

"I'm not convinced," Sora added thoughtfully. "The kodama stay neutral in conflicts and don't favor either side. They observed him passing through the forest with yokai from the Legion's ranks. Maybe the guards at the border helped him?"

"Sora and I found out some valuable information after taking to some local townspeople. There is a blacksmith shop who has been trading and selling high-class weapons with the townspeople late at night. We're not sure if it could lead to anything, but high-class weapons are dangerous and should not be handled by the public." Natsu informs us.

"If he's a merchant, then we should investigate the merchant's street for clues," I interjected. "But, if we go now, Ryuu, Natsu, and Sora would attract too much attention," I recalled Ryuu's attention on the bustling main street.

"I'll accompany Sachi to check it out," Hana volunteered.

"Then I'll keep watch from above. Natsu, you should transform into a snake and follow them on foot. Ryuu, you stay here and guard the infirmary," Sora suggests.

Ryuu shifts uncomfortably to interject but Natsu beats him to it.

"If you go, you must avoid the crowds, and-" Natsu began, but Ryuu cut him off.

"I understand. I'll stay put. But if I sense trouble, I'll be there in an instant. Don't lose sight of them," Ryuu commanded, turning back towards the infirmary. In the corner of my eye, I see him exchange words with Kouta before looking back at me and disappearing inside.

"Alright, I'm ascending!" Sora announced. Suddenly, two black wings sprouted from his back. "If I spot anything, I'll descend," he reminded us before launching into the air. As I watched Sora ascend, I couldn't help but notice his wings, reminiscent of a crow's. Could he be a tengu yokai? I wondered silently.

"Wow," Natsu chuckled, "quite the spectacle," he smirked. Hana and I shared a brief moment of amusement before turning our attention to Natsu.

"Natsu, are you ready to go?" I inquired.

"I am. I'll follow you on foot, so rest assured," Natsu assured us with a bow. Suddenly in the blink of an eye he transforms into a small curled-up white snake with pink eyes, his scales shimmering in the dim light. His angel-like features suddenly make sense. Hana and I set off towards the merchant's street, with Natsu following closely behind.

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