The Betrayal

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Hello! Here is a new update for this week. Enjoy! :) I imagine Hana to look like Sailor Mars or Rei Hino from Sailor Moon. 😊


The king's commanding presence enveloped the room, leaving me torn between kneeling and remaining upright. Opting to stand, I braced myself as he drew nearer, my nerves tightening like a vice around me. With a slight bow of my head, I awaited his approach.

The imposing figure of King Ojiro strides into the room, his presence commanding attention despite his advancing age. His grey hair, tinged with streaks of silver, frames a weathered face marked by the passage of time and the burdens of leadership. With a single piercing eye, keen and observant. Clad in flowing robes of somber grey, adorned with intricate patterns that speak of his royal lineage, King Ojiro exudes an aura of authority and dignity.

"It's you... Sachi, you look beautiful." he exhaled, his voice carrying a mixture of relief and longing. "I am Ojiro, your father. The others have recounted your journey and sudden disappearance. I am grateful to see you safe and sound." His words were warm, yet tinged with a hint of sadness. Glancing nervously at Ryuu and the others, who remained respectfully bowed, I returned my attention to Ojiro.

"I understand this must be overwhelming for you," he continued, his hand resting gently on my shoulder, "but know that you are not alone. Your mother once felt the same. With time, you will find your place here." A soft smile graced his lips, offering a glimpse of reassurance amidst the uncertainty.

"Ryuu, Natsu, Sora, you may stand," Ojiro commands, his tone shifting from gratitude to solemn resolve. "Thank you again for safeguarding my daughter and quelling the recent unrest in Miyako. However, your duties will soon call you back to your respective lands. With Sachi's return, we now have a chance to bring an end to this long-standing conflict."

As Ojiro speaks, the weight of his words sinks in, and I find myself grappling with conflicting emotions. His sudden declaration of my role in this world, coupled with the expectation to abandon my ties to the human world, leaves me feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

"I appreciate your sentiment, but I cannot simply forget the life I left behind," I interject, my voice tinged with a note of defiance. "I have friends and family waiting for me in the human world, and I cannot turn my back on them."

Ojiro's expression darkens, his resolve unwavering. "Sachi, you fail to grasp the gravity of your presence here," he asserts firmly. "Your return symbolizes hope for our people, a beacon of triumph against the Legion. To abandon that for the sake of sentimentality would be a disservice to our cause."

"But what about the truth?" I implore, my voice rising with frustration. "If the people discover that my disappearance was not at the hands of the Legion, but rather a twist of fate, won't it only sow further discord?"

"We will tell the people the version of the truth that serves our purpose," he counters, his tone firm. "Your role is to inspire our people, to rally them against our enemies. Anything else is inconsequential." King Ojiro continues speaking "We will tell the people that our three generals, Ryuu, Natsu, and Sora, uncovered you from the kamitachi yokai and the human traitor, that you were held captive. This will also instill fighting spirit among the people," he counters firmly.

"But the blacksmith only betrayed us because he is tired of war. His son and mother died because of this 20-year war. He blames it on your rule, and with my return, we can end the war and negotiate peace. People can live freely again without worry of war," I argue passionately.

"Sachi! This war didn't just start because you went missing; they also killed my beloved. There are still many things you don't know about this world and the people here. You will stay at the castle and learn from me. War is the only way to achieve peace," he asserts angrily, his voice rising with frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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