chapter 1

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"time to pay for our consequences, how fun." Huggy growls.

"what. happened. this. time." Catnap hissed making them both flinch.

Boxy boo starts. "well you see, we accidently brought a pigeon into our classroom and it sorta..."

Huggy continues quietly. "shitted on our teacher" 

"WHAT?!" Catnap screamed, his eyes completely diluted. Sure, these two bozos have done crazy things in the past, but this.... is the icing on the cake."

"Catnap why do you have to go as well? You weren't even with us." Huggy questions

"I don't know, I didn't do anything as far as I'm aware of." Catnap paused, trying to regain his memory. Then, it hit him...

"Catnap what's wrong, it looks like you've just seen a ghost" Boxy boo remarks

Catnap slowly shook his head and tried to piece together the fragments of memory that were slowly coming back to him.


As Catnap looked around the food tech classroom, he suddenly noticed several cucumbers sitting on the counter. The sight of the green vegetables sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of fear wash over him.

Being a cat, Catnap had always been suspicious of cucumbers. He had heard tales of cats being scared by the mere presence of a cucumber, and he knew that he was no exception. As he stared at the cucumbers in front of him, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of his stomach.

Without thinking, Catnap panicked and made a hasty retreat, knocking over pots and pans in his haste to escape the terrifying cucumbers. The food tech classroom was left in disarray as Catnap fled, his heart racing with fear.

As he made his way out of the room, Catnap couldn't help but wonder what had caused his sudden terror. But one thing was for sure - he would never look at a cucumber the same way again.

End of flashback

"Its hard to explain" Catnap says with a worried expression just to think about that again.

Huggy rolls his eyes. "You guys act like elementary schoolers. Now come on, let's just go to the principal's office to see what they have to say."

"whatever" Boxy boo says.

As the three walked down the hallway, their footsteps echoed off the tiled floors, creating a sense of forboding in the otherwise empty corridor. They knew what awaited them at end of the hall - a meeting with the principal, a task they dreaded but it was inevitable. 

Boxy boo interrupts the silence. "Do you think we will get suspended?" 

Huggy pats Boxy boo on the back and smiles at his friend "Probably, but it could be worse like if we get expelled. I hate this school either way!" 

Now, they have approached the imposing wooden door to the principal's office. They all exchanged glances with each other, knowing they were about to face a potentially difficult conversation with the school authority figure. 

Catnap was the first one to knock on the door without any hesitation or whatsoever. As the door creaked open, each of them braced themselves for the conversation that lay ahead, unsure of what the outcome would be. But one thing was for certain - they all knew that this was the last straw.

When the door was fully opened, the stern-faced principal peered down at them with a disapproving gaze.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, eyeing the three suspiciously.

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