chapter 2

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"Where are we going again?" Huggy wondered.

"To the basketball court, dumbass." Boxy boo reminded him.

This is just great. I arrive at school an hour early only for that time to be wasted on some stranger that is going to ramble constantly on how great this school is. I could even still be sleeping right now.  Catnap thought.

Huggy turns around to look at Catnap. "Look like someone didn't get a good sleep."

"I'm not in the mood to ever be energetic especially if it's 8:30 in the morning," Catnap mumbles, his eyes half-closed and his expression being sour. "I mean, I could be sleeping right now instead of pretending to care about some tour." He let's out a small yawn, emphasizing his inclination towards slumber.

"Who do you think is going to give us the tour?" Boxy boo questioned.

Huggy shrugs. "I'm banking on it being some eager beaver student trying to show off their knowledge of the school," Huggy says with a wry smile. "Just hope they don't bore us to sleep like Catnap. Although I wouldn't mind another hour of sleep."

Boxy boo points at the direction of the basketball court. "Look over there, the basketball court!"

"No shit sherlock." Catnap mumbles.

Huggy chuckles at Catnap's comment. "Well at least we know Catnap's observant," he remarks a playful nudge. "But hey, after walking around trying to find this thing, we finally did!"

Boxy boo rolls his eyes, walking towards the gates. "I was just saying jeez."

"Well there's no need for a detective to figure that one out." Catnap stretches lazily, following Boxy boo towards the gates, ready for this tour to get over with and hopefully catch some shut-eye later.

Not so far in the distance, two people can be seen. Boxy boo squints his eyes, trying to make out the figures in the distance. "Hey, who do you think those people are?" He asks, turning to Catnap and Huggy.

Huggy leans forward, narrowing his eyes, "I dunno, maybe they're the ones giving us the tour. Let's go check it out."

Catnap simply nods, uninterested but willing to follow the others. Together, they head towards the two figures, eager to start their tour.


"Uhm excuse me, Dogday?"

Dogday searches for the familiar voice and gets startled when he realizes it was the principal.

"Sorry to scare you, but can you please do me a favor?" He asks politely.

"Sure thing! What is it?" Dogday replied, trying to hide his nervousness.

The principal hands Dogday a schedule and points to a name written on it. "I need you to give this new student, Catnap, a tour of the school. Show him around and help him get settled in. I know this was quite sudden of me but it's an emergency. Can you do that for me?"  Dogday hesitated on whether he should do it or not, but what was there to lose? It will look good in his personal record this way. Plus, he could use this to his advantage.

Dogday's lips curled into a deceitful smile as he responded to the principal "I suppose I have no choice, do I? It would be a please to show Catnap around!" Even though, deep inside, he was seething at being given such a menial task on short notice, but he knew better than to show his true feelings. With a calculating glint in his eyes, Dogday saw this as an opportunity to manipulate the situation to be the next stepping stone. "I'll make sure Catnap feels right at home here," he said smoothly, his voice dripping with insincerity.

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