chapter 3

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As Kickin and Hoppy left Dogday earlier, they couldn't help but speculate about what the new student, Catnap might look like. "Do you think he's tall or short? Maybe he's good at sports like us," Kickin mused.

Hoppy shrugged. "I have no idea but I hope he's cool and likes to hang out with us."

"Wait, did Dogday even mention where we should meet Catnap?" Kickin asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Hoppy shook her head. "I don't think so. We better figure out a plan quickly."

Since they were already outside, Kickin suggested, "Let's go to the basketball court. It's not far from here, and we can easily spot someone playing basketball if they are there. Plus, we're pretty sporty ourselves, so it's a good place to start."

Agreeing with the plan, Hoppy and Kickin made their way to the basketball court, walking briskly in anticipation of meeting the new student. As they approached the court, they scanned the area for any signs of a new face, ready to welcome Catnap and make him feel at ease.

The sun was shinning brightly, casting a warm glow over the court as they arrived. Kickin and Hoppy looked around, their eyes searching around for any unfamiliar figures among the players. Little did they know that their search for Catnap would lead them to not just one, but three new companions, each with their own unique personality to share 

As Kickin and Hoppy's eyes landed on the three figures at the basketball court, they exchanged surprised glances. "Wait, there's not just one new student, but three of them?" Hoppy whispered to Kickin, feeling a mix of confusion and excitement.

"It looks like Dogday didn't mention that Catnap would be accompanied by two other people," Kickin replied, scratching his head in wonder.

"Whatever, we'll ask him about it later. Come on, no more stalling Kickin." Hoppy reminded.

Before Kickin and Hoppy could approach them, the trio beat them to it.

"Hey, welcome to our school!" Kickin exclaimed.

"I'm Kickin, and this is Hoppy. We're here to give you a tour of the school. Are you guys ready to see everything?"

Huggy grinned widely and eagerly nodded, "I'm down for that!"

Boxy boo nodded in agreement his eyes bright with curiosity, "Same thing here!"

However, Catnap stood with a calm and stoic expression, his gaze fixed on the surroundings. He didn't seem as enthusiastic as the others. Maybe if he weren't so tired he could at least say a single sentence but he just can't be bothered to.

"So, where do you guys want to go first?" Hoppy questioned.

"I want to see the top of the building!" Boxy boo yelled.

"If there's a basement in this school, I would love to see it." Huggy chimed in.

'And I want to see my home and sleep again' Catnap thought.

"Great choices! So, should we split up?" Hoppy says, looking directly at Kickin.

"Maybe we should wait for Dogday. After all, he was meant to do this tour and he would know more than us." Kickin decides.

After a while, Dogday arrived jogging over to join the group. He greeted everyone with a warm smile and apologized for being late.

"Sorry guys, I had a little delay but I'm here now. Ready to continue the tour?" Dogday smiles.

Boxy boo and Huggy nodded. Dogday signals Hoppy and Kickin to continue with the tour.

Dogday joined them and immediately took charge. Utilizing his keen sense of observation and subtle manipulation tendencies, Dogday began analyzing each of the new students' characteristics. He could discern who was introverted, extroverted, or a blend of both by scanning their body language and subtle cues.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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