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As the final notes of our electrifying performance echoed through the venue, me and my group stood at the center of the stage, our breaths heavy yet triumphant. The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, a testament to the raw energy and skill they had just witnessed.

Me, adorned in a dazzling ensemble that sparkled under the stage lights, took a moment to catch my breath. My eyes, momentarily glistening with a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration, scanned the sea of faces before me. For a fleeting second, the weight of their collective admiration washed over me, leaving an indelible impression.

In that moment, my heart swelled with a profound sense of fulfilment. Despite the pressures and expectations that often accompanied my stardom, I found solace in the joy I had just shared with my fellow members and the audience. It was a reminder of why I had embarked on this journey—to evoke emotions, to inspire, and to connect through the universal language of music.

As the stage lights dimmed, my expression softened into a quiet smile, knowing that tonight, I had left a piece of my heart on that stage, and in return, had received the collective heartbeats of everyone who had witnessed our performance.

My pulse still quickened as I stepped off the stage, the adrenaline of the performance still coursing through my veins. The familiar camaraderie of my group members surrounded me, their smiles and shared glances echoing the satisfaction of a job well done.

Amidst the backstage chaos—costume changes, quick breaths, and fleeting congratulations—I stole a moment to reflect. My path to stardom had been paved with dedication, sacrifice, and unyielding passion. The trials and tribulations, the highs and lows, all converged into this singular moment of achievement.

"We nailed it!" Lisa exclaimed, her voice filled with infectious excitement as she bounced up and down. The exhilaration of our successful performance was palpable, radiating through each member of the group. Laughter and cheers echoed in the air as we reveled in the shared euphoria of a job well done. I smiled, my heart buoyed by the unbridled enthusiasm of her fellow members. In this moment, amidst the backstage chaos and jubilation, we were not just a group— we were a united force, bound by passion and purpose, ready to conquer whatever challenges lay ahead.

"I am going to our room to take a break. You can go. I will come back soon," I told Rosé as she nodded and hugged me. "You were amazing tonight."

Rosé smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting a mix of relief and gratitude. "Thank you," she replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion masked by genuine happiness. The embrace lingered for a moment before she pulled back, nodding in agreement. "Take your time. We'll catch up later."

With a parting wave, Rosé made her way towards the exit, blending into the bustling crowd of backstage personnel and fellow performers. As I headed towards our designated room, the echoes of applause and the lingering excitement of the night's success followed me, mingling with a sense of contentment and anticipation for what lay ahead.

As I stepped into the room, my eyes fell upon a striking bouquet of red roses positioned prominently on the table. The vivid color of the roses, reminiscent of blood, sent a shiver down my spine.

Instantly, my mind raced with apprehension. How had these flowers appeared here, in our private space? The room was meant to be secure, accessible only to our group members and trusted staff. The unexpected presence of the roses stirred a deep sense of unease within me.

Instinctively, I scanned the room for any signs of intrusion or disturbance, my senses heightened with caution. The air felt heavy with an unspoken tension, and the once-familiar surroundings now seemed cloaked in mystery.

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