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"The reason why I called you here was because very soon you will have the chance to go on a tour."

YG's words hung in the air, momentarily leaving us speechless as we processed the unexpected announcement.

"A tour?" Jisoo echoed, her eyes widening in surprise.

YG nodded, his expression serious yet tinged with excitement. "Yes, that's right. You've all worked incredibly hard, and I believe it's time to take your talents on the road," he explained.

A wave of excitement washed over us, the realization of what this meant sinking in. A tour—a chance to connect with our fans on a whole new level, to bring our music to audiences around the world.

Lisa's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That's amazing! Where are we going?" she asked eagerly.

YG smiled, his gaze lingering on each of us in turn. "We'll be announcing the tour dates and locations soon, but for now, I want you all to start preparing. This is going to be big," he said with conviction.

As the reality of what lay ahead began to sink in, a sense of exhilaration filled the room, mingled with a healthy dose of anticipation. This tour was more than just a series of concerts—it was an opportunity to share our music, our passion, with fans across the globe.

With newfound determination, we nodded in agreement, ready to embark on this exciting new chapter in our journey as artists. Whatever lay ahead, we were ready to take on the world, one stage at a time.

As the news of the upcoming tour sank in, a sense of relief washed over me, mingled with gratitude for the opportunity to escape the suffocating presence of my stalker, if only temporarily. The prospect of being away from the familiar surroundings that had become tainted with fear and paranoia filled me with a sense of hope and excitement.

With each passing moment, the idea of embarking on this new adventure grew more appealing, offering a welcome respite from the relentless scrutiny and unease that had plagued me in recent days. The thought of being surrounded by the energy and excitement of our fans, of immersing myself in the joy of performing alongside my fellow members, filled me with a sense of renewed purpose and determination.

As I looked around at my bandmates, their faces alight with excitement and anticipation, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the opportunity that lay before us. This tour was more than just a chance to showcase our talents—it was a lifeline, a beacon of hope in the midst of uncertainty and fear.

With a newfound sense of optimism, I nodded in agreement, ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that lay ahead. Whatever obstacles awaited us on the road, I was determined to face them head-on, secure in the knowledge that I had my bandmates by my side, and the unwavering support of our fans to guide us through.

As we made our way out of YG's office, Chaeyoung's stomach let out an unmistakable growl, echoing through the corridor with comedic timing.

"Looks like someone's hungry again," Lisa teased, nudging Chaeyoung playfully.

Chaeyoung laughed sheepishly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "What can I say? All this excitement works up an appetite," she replied with a grin.

Jisoo chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, lucky for you, there's a supermarket right downstairs, because of our "good" CEO. Let's go satisfy that appetite of yours," she suggested, leading the way with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

As we reached the lower floor, Chaeyoung wasted no time in darting towards the supermarket, her enthusiasm for food outweighing any sense of decorum. With a laugh, we followed in her wake, amused by her single-minded determination.

As we approached the entrance to the supermarket, we encountered one of our senior members, a seasoned veteran who had been with YG for years. His expression shifted from surprise to amusement as they watched Chaeyoung's eager dash towards the shelves stocked with snacks and treats.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" G-Dragon remarked with a playful grin, their eyes twinkling with amusement.

Jisoo chuckled, offering a shrug of her shoulders. "Looks like Chaeyoung's on a mission," she replied, her tone fond yet teasing.

Our senior member nodded in agreement, their laughter mingling with ours as we watched Chaeyoung eagerly peruse the aisles, her excitement palpable in every movement.

"Ah, to be young and hungry," he remarked with a chuckle, shaking their head in amusement.

"Looks like Chaeyoung's leading the charge for snacks," G-Dragon observed with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Jisoo nodded, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "She's always had a knack for finding the best treats," she remarked fondly.

With a knowing grin, G-Dragon turned his attention to us, his expression mischievous. "Well, let's not keep her waiting. After all, we wouldn't want her to eat all the snacks before we get there," he quipped, prompting a round of laughter from the group.

As we finally managed to coax Chaeyoung out of the supermarket, her arms laden with an assortment of snacks, we bid farewell to G-Dragon with smiles and waves. With our hearts still racing from the excitement of the encounter, we made our way back to our shared car, the anticipation of the upcoming tour buzzing in the air.

As we settled into the plush seats of the car, the familiar comfort of being together as a group washed over us. Chaeyoung's bag of snacks sat between us, a tangible reminder of the impromptu excursion and the shared moments of laughter and camaraderie we had experienced.

"So, who's ready for a snack feast?" Lisa exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she eyed the contents of Chaeyoung's bag.

Chaeyoung slapped playfully Lisa's hand and glared at her. "This are mine!You could have gotten yours." She said as she grabbed on of her snacks and started eating it.

Lisa recoiled in mock horror, feigning hurt. "Ouch! Alright, alright, I'll get my own next time," she replied, her tone laced with amusement.

Jisoo chuckled, interjecting with a playful grin. "Come on, Chaeyoung, share the snacks. We're all in this together," she teased, reaching for a bag of chips.

Chaeyoung relented with a dramatic sigh, her expression softening into a smile. "Fine, fine, you win. But only because you're my favorite unnie," she teased, passing the bag of chips to Lisa with a playful wink.


As I wandered through my empty house, the quietude of the surroundings accentuated my solitude. With nothing to occupy my time, my thoughts inevitably drifted towards her—my girlfriend, who would soon be arriving from not too far away. The anticipation of her visit infused the air with a sense of excitement, dispelling the monotony of the day.

With a sense of purpose, I made my way to the room that had been prepared for her stay. The room, once devoid of life, now held the promise of her presence, a beacon of warmth and anticipation in the otherwise stillness of my home. As I stood in the doorway, a rush of emotions washed over me, mingling with the anticipation of her imminent arrival.

With each passing moment, the room seemed to come alive, imbued with the promise of shared moments and cherished memories that awaited us. And as I lingered in the doorway, lost in thoughts of her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building within me, eager to welcome her into my world once more.

"I can't wait..."


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