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girl is sick, girl still wrote the chapter, y'all better fill every single line with comments and vote! 🥰

I was having breakfast with my family when I suddenly felt like throwing up.

I wasn't pregnant but my parents did not know that, even if they were wondering if the whole fiasco I created was a lie, they surely weren't wondering the same thing anymore.

Thanks to Junaid trying a new recipe, it was a disaster, to say the least, but I had to try it out, I couldn't see the young guy losing his hopes and never trying out something new again.

"I need to start the gynaecologist's visits, what do you think mummy?" I asked, coming out of the bathroom.

Papa looked at mummy, sharing a look. He never said anything to me, he would just glare, clench his jaw and leave all the work for mummy. She was the one who usually did the verbal work.

"Rehan is ready to accept-"

"But I'm not." I interrupted, "I don't want to be with Rehan, can't you see that?" I huffed, "I have never wanted to be with him, he hangs out with dangerous people all the time, and he carries a weapon with him all the damn time! You want me to be with him?"

"He'll keep you safe and closer to us." She replied.

"Closer to you? I don't want to be closer to you, you...you make me feel like a burden when all I've been doing is trying my best to live on my own." A sigh left my mouth as I took a seat on the chair.

"Is this how you live on your own? Get pregnant with god knows whose child-"

That was like a punch to the throat, "Mummy!" I looked at her, exasperated with her choice of words, "How can you say that about your own daughter?" I was close to telling her the truth so she could feel guilty but knowing her, she probably doesn't care about anything but her image, which is ruined now apparently.

"You think I am stupid?" She asked, "I have lived long enough to read people's faces and their reactions and that man at the café? It was probably the first time you saw him, wasn't it?"

I laughed, "Well guess what? You still aren't an expert in reading faces and reactions, I have known Sahaj for over a year now and it's his child, his reaction was unusual because it was unexpected, we weren't planning for a baby this soon and even though I don't owe you any explanation, we were on a break for the last three weeks."

One day, all my lies will catch up to me but for now, I'll hope that day doesn't come any sooner.

Not waiting for her response, I picked up my bag and left the house. The more questions she would ask, the more accusations she would throw on me, and the more I'd lie.

I wish I could just run away.

It's been four days since I had my last interaction with Sahaj, i need him on board with the plan because now there's no going back, no matter what I do.

I cannot call him, I don't want to seem desperate but I am, given the circumstances.

Thanks to Rehan's gossip-loving mother, I wish she just kept her mouth shut just like she did at the café that day, I was wrong about her. She wasn't uninterested, she just was collecting information to share at her kitty party.

Four days and almost fourteen aunties congratulated me on my pregnancy, one thing was common in every interaction, all of them were judging me. Harder than a judge in a courtroom.

At least Sheena from apartment number 308 got her parents to agree to her love marriage. I'm useful to someone hopefully.

The ringing phone brought me back to reality, a hope rising in me that maybe, maybe it was Sahaj but it was Mishthi.

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