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"I'm going to call the police, you need to leave Rehan, right now." I picked up the badminton racket that was hanging as a decoration on the wall for the past three years, pointing it towards him.

"Let's see who they'll take with them...me or your father, hmm?" He responded, jumping inside the room and leaning on the wall as he crossed his arms.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Why would the police take my father with them?

"Ask him."

"You don't get to jump in my room at night and act like a hero of a flop film." I replied, I might just hit him with the badminton racket, "What is it with you and my father?"

"I promised him I wouldn't tell you, I am a man of my word." He shrugged, moving towards the chair.

I hit his shoulder with the racket before he could sit, "Jyada dialogue baazi yahan kari na, abhi bahar sabko bata dungi asli gunda kaun gai idhar, samjhe? Niklo abhi ke abhi yahan se aur dubara muh na dikha dena apna."
(Don't try to act smart with me or I'll let everyone know who the real tough guy is around here. Get out and don't show your face here again.)

"Aww, you thought that could hurt me?" He asked, looking at the racket, my gaze followed his, the racket was bent from where I hit him, must've rusted after all these years.

"You know what can hurt you?" I asked, picking up the little wooden stool.

He walked closer to me, holding my hand as he pulled the stool out of my grip, throwing it on the floor before grabbing the other hand too, pinning them behind my back with one hand while the other one brushed my hair back from my face.

"Stop touching me Rehan, I'm warning you."

"Your father promised you to me. All this drama was cute for a while, it's getting on my nerves now Seerat, stop hanging out with that guy-"

"I'm getting married to him, stop me if you can." I smiled, "I don't care what my father promised to you. Why did he make a promise to you, I don't care. Understand? I'm not his pawn, whatever he did was his mistake, I have no role in it and you know it. Leave me before I get physical."

"Shut the fuck up." He brought his finger up to my lips, "You will not marry that guy. I'll kill him and I'm not joking. You know it." He continued, a determined look in his eyes.

"What are you? An obsessive stalker mafia from a book written by an immature girl?" I asked, "Because that's exactly how you're sounding right now. Grow up, he'll put you behind bars before you'll even know what you did." I tried to push him away but his hold on me was too tight.

"You think I give a fuck?" He asked, "I'll be out before I even go to the court, your father? He'll rot in jail for years for what he's-"

I kicked him between the legs before he could complete his sentence, his hold on me immediately loosening as he clutched his groin in pain. "That's for even thinking about laying a finger on him," I spat out, stepping back and keeping a safe distance from him.

He doubled over, groaning in agony, but his eyes still burned with anger. "You'll regret this, Seerat. You and your precious fiancé."

"I regret ever knowing you," I retorted, my voice trembling with anger. "Get out of my house and never come back. And if you dare to even think about harming him or anyone else I care about, I won't hesitate to call the police and make sure you rot in jail where you belong."

He staggered to his feet, his face contorted with pain and rage. Without another word, he stumbled out of the room, leaving me alone with my racing thoughts and trembling hands.

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