Relationship hcs

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[IMAGE MADE BY ME 😎😎😎 can be viewed as ship or not]

So this is my hc of how Earth views the planets/ celestial beings or their relationship with the Earth

Might make a seperate chapter with the others view on Earth but no promises

Not including ships bc 1. I'm a multishipper, 2. Yeah

Also timeline is After Earth's Redemption Arc, unless said otherwise

Sun: He doesn't necessarily hate the Sun nor does he like him. He sees him like a ticking timebomb (literally if u think abt it) or some kind of supervisor. Despite all that, he still tries to respect the Sun since he IS the literal star that provides light and heat for his life to flourish.

Mercury: Their friendship is slowly growing. Since the Earth is slowly trying to improve his behavior and himself as a whole, their friendship grew.

Venus: He sees him as one of his friends, closer than Mercury but not as close as Mars. Sometimes he's annoyed of his constant nagging about his ideas or just him being stupid (we still love him), but he still cares about him.
[Close friends]

Earth: He fucking hates himse- gets shot

Luna/Moon: He's like a brother to Earth <3 Post-Earth-Arc wise or not, he genuinely appreciates Luna for being there for him even when things are really rough, big example shown during the Moon Revolution Arc where Luna tries to defend Earth. He's been by the Earth's side for technically ever since he existed!!!!!
[Like a brother/Closest to]

(Also tiny hc, Luna doesn't mind being called 'Moon' by Earth, just not 'Earth's Moon'. And Earth calls Luna by 'Moon' alot since that's what Luna was first called by the earthlings so they both probably grew on it.)

Mars: Earth's closest friend after Luna. He spends alot of his time with Earth whether it be playing cards or playing asteroid dodgeball. They've bonded together through those games just like little childhood friends it's honestly sweet. Even though their relationship crumbled in the middle of the Moon Revolution, Mars was still willing to protect Earth in The Battle of the Planets.
[BESTIES/Very close]

Ceres: Doesn't give a shit abt him 😭😭😭

Jupiter: He's a father figure to the rocky planets including Earth, getting them all out of trouble and explaining certain things about space and the universe to him. Even though Earth literally has earthlings who literally made the theories Jupiter references to, I feel like he understands it more coming from Jupiter compared to his earthlings.
[Father figure]

Saturn: In the Proto-era, he used to be closer to Earth, serving as another father figure to him. However, with their orbits, he isn't as close to Earth anymore compared to when he wasn't a habitable planet yet. Yet Earth still looks up to Saturn, very fascinated about his rings similarly to his earthlings and is willing to get closer to Saturn.
[Father figure]

Uranus & Neptune & Pluto: I put these three together because he hasn't interacted with them at all besides the Ice Giants in the Solar System Arranged by Size video (The Pluto is a Planet Again? video doesn't count). He doesn't really know them personally but doesn't getting to know them.

X: Who?
Outside the Solar System:

Other habitable planets: He envies them. The known ones his earthlings have discovered doesn't have intelligent life like him. They don't suffer like him, and they're still beautiful and full of nature.
He would be lying if he said that he's not afraid that his earthlings would go and slowly destroy them too.

Blackholes: Fucking terrified of them. He once had a period where he was paranoid of a blackhole finding its way into the Solar System and ruining all he has ever workes for. Currently, he's still paranoid but not as much anymore.


I did this instead of being productive 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍


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