Sleep on...

372 14 5

Dear little child
Day is young...

Prolly ventfic but i dont want to go to school

Trying to write because karmas a 🏖 i shouldve known better if i had a wish i wouldve never messed arpubd when i saw tge pics of u with her i felt the nighttwist karmas a 🏖 and shes with u righr now

Also solarhumans kinda

And the setting is yes. (Dont ask me idk either)

Tw for escapism(?)

Proto never understood why others like to sleep so much.

Sleeping is obviously important but, just sleeping all day with nothing to do? It would make him feel all groggy and lazy.

Sometimes, little Proto wouldn't want to sleep. It was just 8pm! Another 5 minutes playing with asteroid together with ■■■■■ and the others wouldn't hurt!

I suppose it's because he loves this present.

He didn't care about how he was inhabitable or had magma, I mean it was still cool in his opinion! Actually he was really hot haha get it haha I'll leave.

He has friends who cares about him and plays with him. Even one who shares the same orbit as him! They'd never get bored!

He even has a father figure/ someone to look up to! He seems a little scary but is really caring when you get to know him.

He was nice to everyone and loved everyone and everyone returned the gesture. It was so easy!

Oh poor Proto... still so innocent and precious... Please stay that way...


Earth soon found solace in sleep.

It brought him peace, a pause from the loud and overwhelming surroundings/earthlings.

Sometimes, he's greeted by a dream. Just being happy with his friends without excruciating pain erupting from his surface. He loves it.

Even when he closes his eyes and he's only greeted by darkness, he loves it.

But sometimes, he's greeted by nightmares. His earthlings abandoning him or his friends leaving him... actually screw it, most of his nightmares was everyone leaving him alone with his thoughts.

He once woke up from one of these nightmares to be all alone. Realization hitting him like a brick, knowing they already left him be. All because he let his insecurities out.

Why couldn't he just bottle it up? Why did he have to say it infront of someone who has idolized him?

He's honestly a terrible person.

Both his hands gripped tightly at his hair, refusing to let himself break now. Even when he was alone.

He shouldn't be sad, he didn't deserve validation apparently and not the one who has went through everything and anything humans were capable of.

So why did he let tears slip from his eyes.

"No, no, no,..." he whispers to himself, wrapping his hands around himself. "'s okay... just go back to sleep..."

He lays back down. Back to the soft pillow he laid on. Back to the darkness. Back to where he truly felt himself. Gone from the cruel reality.

Maybe someday... he'll be gone from everyone's lives.

But for now... sleep was enough.

He didn't bother anyone if he just slept for another five minutes.

I admit this is kinfa cringe but I wrote this in one sitting

Alarm in 4 hrs and 32 minutes haha

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