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Attempting to write shit instead of being a productive member of society (finishing math worksheets)

To say the last couple of years has been hard for Earth was an understatement. From the overwhelming amounts of deaths and wars of his earthlings to the painful bombs dropped on his surface.

Oh and he cannot forget about the two atomic bombs that were detonated.

It caused an overwhelming amount of worry and concern from other planets nearby, especially from his Moon.

When they were detonated, Earth was in both a panic and in excruciating pain. Luna had been worried for Earth's well-being and overall health since it all started, this just doubled once he went in his panic.

Now we jump to the 1960's. The war has ended, but the tensions have not, but it was enough for Earth. He was honestly exhausted from trying to keep up with what was happening, sooner or latter giving up on trying to comprehend his earthlings and whatever caused the entire mess.

He isolated himself in his orbit, letting himself get his much needed rest while he could. His neighboring planets, Venus and Mars, engaged in their little games or conversations, sometimes glances at the blue planet.

Him and Luna didn't talk much, both having a silent agreement to cool down for now. Until...

"EARTH IS THAT A FUCKIGN ASTEROID?!?!?!?!" Luna suddenly screams out as he looks at the small weirdly-shaped 'asteroid' near Earth's atmosphere.

"ASTEROID??? WHERE?!?!" Earth screams back, looking back and forth in a panic for the 'asteroid'.


"What are you two idiots screaming about???"

The two stops screaming at each other, realizing they attracted the attention of some planets. Specifically the rocky planets and Jupiter, who was silently watching them.

"SHUT UP THERE'S AN ASTEROID NEAR ME AND I CAN'T SEE IT!!!" Earth begun, still trying to find this 'asteroid'.

"That's because your ass is blind." Luna interjected, rolling his eyes.

Earth was about to say something back, before his eyes lands on the 'asteroid' Luna was screaming about. He was about to scream until he took a closer look at it and his eyes widened. "OH THEY ACTUALLY DID ITT!!!"

Everyone gave Earth a look of confusion. One second he was panicking about some asteroid, the next you see him getting all giddy and excited. Big ass moodswing if you tell me.

"Okay so let me explain..." Earth begun. "So my earthlings are finding a way to go to space!!!"

"WAIT REALLY?!?!" Luna screams in an excited tone. "That's so cool dude!!" Mars added.

"YEAH!!! I KNOW!!! Honestly that's the least thing I expected for them to do after a whole war."

"Ew..." Venus groans. "I don't want your stinky parasites around my orbit."

"Oh nonono, they're FAR from going for any planets." Earth told Venus. "Actually their main objective right now is to just get an earthling to space!"

"Yeah yeah, soon they're building some weird sculpture on pipsqueak." Venus laughed, 'nudging' at Mercury who replied with a "Hey!"

Idk how to end this its so shit 😭

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