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Ambers pov

All I remember from that night that changed my life for the worst forever, the night that decided my whole life path, is there was a fire infront of me, I sat next to Chris and Gabriela
My eyes were red and glossy, and I was out of it. That night I got drunk, but in a good way, finally after months I got drunk in the good way, what I mean by that is I felt on top of the world, I felt like superwoman in a way, I felt like I was unstoppable (and attractive)
People get drunk to forget about their problems which is usually my goal, but normally when I get drunk all the bad stuff in my life is flooding infront of my eyes.

My mind is reminding me of every bad thing I've done in my life, in some way it makes my bad memories, even more bad. If that makes sense. And I get lost in my thoughts.

It feels like I'm running through a maze trying to find a way out of my mind to enjoy the night. But I always get lost.

I always keep going back to the beginning, where I started, going round and round in circles but I don't notice since the walls in the maze all look the same.

I looked up at the sky trying to focus on the moon while my head was spinning, when my eye sight finally focused I noticed it was a full moon, and the stars around it.

They were beautiful, since there were no street lights around they almost outshined the moon, you could see the stars in their full glory

"What's so interesting up there?" Chris said in a sarcastic tone while looking up

"Do you see the stars?" I slurred pointing at them

"Yeah.. they're cool, I was more focused on the moon, but whatever." Chris said taking a sip of his drink

"That's the thing about people, we tend to get distracted by the biggest or most shinning thing, but we forget about the details, the things behind it. Then we never know the-.." I stopped forgetting what I was about to say "uh truth?.. I don't know man I'm too drunk for this" I giggled leaning onto Chris

"Me too, I couldn't even see the stars I was blinded by the moon" Chris slurred

"Yeah.. the moon is boring, the sun is so much better" I said
"Why? You can't even look at the sun."

"The sun is healing in a way, have you heard about winter depression? I mean what does the moon do for you? It dosent light up the sky during the night. It's just there wanting to be adored. While the sun dosent want to be looked at, or appreciated for everything it does for us. Does this even make fucking sense?" I laughed at the end of my sentence

"If I was sober I'd lock you in a psych ward. but in the state I'm in, it sorta does" chris said bursting out laughing

I looked at chris, I observed his face features, lowkey becoming jealous of his big eyelashes, when suddenly I saw Matt staring at me, well atleast I thought he was i looked over at him and I realised he was staring at the person next to me, I turned around to see gabriela sitting next to me, talking with Nick about our Highschool teachers, and both of them agreeing on the "fact" that our new English teacher who was in his twenties was pretty fit

I almost gagged at the thought of that.

I turned around again and saw Elena trying to get matts attention but failing since he was to fixated on Gabriela, when Matt finally noticed I was staring at him I gave him a confused look and he quickly tried to play it off by adding into the conversation Elena was trying to hold.

the night goes well, I talk with everyone there, we played truth or dare, I had to do a cartwheel , and I've noted that doing it while drunk is not the best idea ever. Chris had to do a hand stand which he failed miserably, and we all decided that would become our joke of the year.
Nick had to have a walk around the woods alone with only a flashlight but we're all convinced he didn't even go into the woods. Dominic had to mix beer gin and vodka and drink it in one go, he almost threw up while doing that, Elena and sage who both have emetophobia almost had a mental breakdown on the spot. Me and sage kissed, during the game. Matt had to spill out all of his secrets (which we pretended not to already know)
Matt took allot of pictures during that night aswell.

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