Wanna Be a Princess?

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Four friends (Emma, Lucas, Gabe, and Drew) enter an amusement park called "Pammie's Pretty and Pink Petticoat Lane" for Emma's birthday

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Four friends (Emma, Lucas, Gabe, and Drew) enter an amusement park called "Pammie's Pretty and Pink Petticoat Lane" for Emma's birthday.

It isn't uncommon for there to be 19 year olds at Petticoat Lane, but it certainly is unusual to see three adult boys roaming around!

The three guys are a bit humiliated about being there, so Emma wants to make sure their trip will still be worthwhile.

"Okay," she says, "You three can go around and explore a little, find some souvenirs— y'know, stuff like that— and by the time it reaches twelve, we'll all gather at the Princess Castle Lobby and hang out there! Maybe even spend the night if I have enough left. 'Sound like a plan?"

The boys nod and start exploring the place.

"WAIT!" she calls out.

They stop.

"Before you go off, I want it to be very clear that WHEN we're all together at the Princess Castle Lobby, you each will be dressing up as pretty princesses and referred to as girls for the rest of the night, as my birthday request. Deaaaal?"

Since when was this part of the deal?!

"What are you, ten?! I'm not wearing a princess dress-! What if someone sees?" Drew hollers.

"If someone sees, then they'll probably compliment your veeery pretty dress!" says an amused Gabe.

He gets punched in the arm.


"We'll cross that path when we get there," chimes in Emma.

Drew thinks about it for a moment. Then shakes his head.

"No way, man. I'm not riskin' nothing. And I ain't wearin' no poofy dress either."

"Ugh, don't be a Don! Let her just enjoy her birthday, man!"

"No, no, I get it," says Emma, "He's right. How about this: two of you will wear princess dresses, and the other can wear a prince outfit. Y'all will have to decide on who, but I think it's a somewhat fair compromise. So... Deal?"

Drew's cheeks turn slightly red. Even the mere possibility of him wearing a dress makes him blush.

"Okay, I guess."

"Great! How about you, Gabe? Wanna be a giiiiirly pretty princess with me today?"

"Sure! Why not? I've worn worse on Halloween," Gabe says.

"Oh yeah, your hot dog costume last year was a riot! What a way to end your senior year."

"MOVING ON!" Gabe hastily announces.

"How about you, Lucas?" says Emma.

"I mean... yeah, I guess I can, since it's part of your birthday request. You won't take any pictures though, right..?"

"Of course I will! You can't ask the birthday girl NOT to take any pictures!" she laughs.

"Plus it's Emma, dude. She brings her damn phone everywhere she goes..."


"It's true!"

"I'm going to be exploring close to where some of the restaurants are— on their website it looks like they have ribs!" Gabe says.

"Oh so are we all splitting up?"

"I guess so. Peace." says Gabe, walking toward the lesser crowded area.

"Alright, you girls! Have fun exploring!"

Drew's face turns red.

Why did she yell that out loud? So many people could've heard!

I wish we could've just stayed at home watching horror movies like we always do on her birthday...

(But what Drew doesn't know is that the horror isn't gonna leave just yet! Humiliation, dresses, and more await him and the rest of the group!

And who will be the first victim of the upcoming dress-up fun? Looks like we'll have to find out more in Chapter 2: Petticoat Peril!)

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