Petticoat Perril

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Lucas trails off, and before Drew can catch up to him, he notices a very attractive woman wearing a witch costume

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Lucas trails off, and before Drew can catch up to him, he notices a very attractive woman wearing a witch costume.

Why is she dressed up like that?

He looks back at where Lucas is— or rather, was, and then turns to face the woman.

I'll see Lucas later at Twelve I guess.

He curiously walks toward her, when suddenly—!

"Hey, watch out, kid!" an older woman yells, holding three enormous curtains.

It seems she dropped one only seconds before...
and it's rolling itself toward Drew!

He luckily dodges it, but not before it hits a rack of princess outfits, wigs, and makeup that cartoonishly fall on top of him...

Every one of the dresses, contour, and beautiful hair pummels down on him, and he is buried in a mountain of frilliness, glitter, and silk.

The woman who dropped one of the curtains comes closer to the mess and props everything she's holding on the ground.

Then she starts digging to rescue Drew.

"Don't worry, miss, I'll find you!" she cries.

Soon, she does, and pulls him back up off the floor.

His face is the brightest it's ever been, and he holds his hands behind his back, terrified, although it only adds to his feminine appearance.

He is now wearing two pairs of tight frilly undergarments, stockings, five layers of petticoats, a beautiful white princess dress covered in cutesy designs that pools just above his feet, some jewelry, a gorgeous curly wig, and a face full of make-up..!

Pretty convenient!

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Pretty convenient!

"Phew! Found ya. I am so sorry about that, miss, truly." the woman stammers.

Miss?! She thinks I'm a girl..?

Please tell me she's talking to someone else...

"You see, I was trying to put up the curtains for the show. I have to be quick because the actors rehearse at three, and have the play at seven, so I thought if I took care of putting the set together sooner, there'd be less panic for later, y'know?"

He nods.

I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Um," he stammers, "can you please explain what the show is?" says Drew, trying to talk in the most feminine voice he can.

"Oh yes, of course, miss! The show is about five princesses who live in bliss, until an evil witch comes along and kidnaps them one by one. It is up to the last princess to save the others!"

That explains the girl in the witch costume I saw earlier! And the rack of random princess outfits!

"Thank you ma'am, you seem to know a lot about it."

"Oh yes, of course, they put on the same show every month or so. I consider it a grand event!"

"Well, um— Thank you again."

"Of course, miss— y'know what, I've been so rude, I keep calling you miss— what's your name, dear?"

"Drew— I mean Darcy. What's yours?"

"I'm Susan, but you can call me Susie. Y'know you share the same name as my best friend from elementary school! She was such a girly-girl, kinda like you" she chuckles.

Drew or rather, Darcy smiles, although on the inside, he's about to explode of embarrassment.

"Say, I hate to be asking you for any favors, especially after knocking you over, but could you help me with putting this rack of clothes back up? I understand if you don't want to, I just like the company" the woman chuckles.

This lady seems quite nice. Maybe I can help her out for a little while and then take this dreaded thing off in a bathroom or something-? At least it gives me something to do.

"Actually, Susie, I'd be more than happy to help you with any of the show's sets, if you'd like."

"Oh, you're such a darling, but I don't know. I would feel so bad having you miss an opportunity to explore this wonder of an amusement park!"

"No, I insist," Darcy smiles, "I enjoy working on set-building! I was actually a Stage Manager in highschool!"

And it was true. Drew, Lucas, Gabe, and Emma were all in the drama club in their early teenage years.

"You really wouldn't mind? Haven't you any place to be?"

"Well, my friends are wanting to meet up at Twelve, but I can stay here and help until then!"

"Thank you Darcy, I appreciate this very much. My, you've made my day!"

And with that, Darcy adjusts his dress and begins to help Susie with her work.

(I wonder what happened to Drew's "I ain't wearing no poofy dress" attitude... It seems that Drew— or rather Darcy just got more in touch with his feminine side!

And he won't be alone! But it seems we'll have to wait to see who'll be next in line for a makeover... in the next chapter, Gabe's Girly Disguise)

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