The dilemma

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Ramadan was coming to an end and Mortaza felt lost. He had spent the last ten days praying for a pious wife and good life. But it seemed like all of the people his parents kept recommending were not his type. Yes they were religious and pious but he also wanted to be physically attracted to them. After all, he was a man with needs and desires. Completing half of your deen was what he wanted. He was 24 years old and had a stable career and felt ready to start a family. Sighing as he pulled into the masjid for prayer. He noticed there were shoes outside the masjid. Was it the girl again? Why did she always show up when he was thinking about marriage. He walked into the masjid, and again. She was there sobbing. What could have happened to make her sob this much? He decided to ignore her and walk outside of the masjid. Running his hand through his hair, he contemplated whether he should go and check on her or go back in the car and wait until more people came. After minutes of contemplation, he decided to check up on her. 

"Salam, I noticed you crying at the same spot and time as yesterday. Everything good?"

Wiping her tears with her hands, he couldn't help but noticed how pink her nose got and how swollen her eyes were. She looked she had been through it and honestly wasn't that pretty. 

"Sorry I was just crying because my favorite celebrity got married." 

Mortaza felt shocked. Here he was thinking she had been crying over allah or the prophet's family or some sort of hardship. But instead she was crying over a CELEBRITY?!

"Oh okay, I'll leave you to it then."

"I'm so sad, you don't understand. I had been watching him for hours and love him so much. I truly thought we would marry each other."

Cringing at what he was hearing Mortaza bowed his head and mumbled, 

"Salam walikum, take care good bye."

Wanting to leave the premises, Mortaza fast walked out of the masjid. What a weird girl he thought. She was nothing like the girl he saw yesterday or assumed she was. A celebrity? Are you even serious? How is that even real? He kept thinking how he would need to avoid that girl like the plague. She really has no shame he thought to himself. Before he could drive off, he noticed someone came to the masjid and started locking the doors. Not thinking much of it he started to drive off. No way was he going to pray with that weird girl in the masjid. Before driving off, he remembered how the girl might still be inside the masjid while it's getting locked up. Ugh he thought, guess he'll go and find the person to unlock the doors. He turned back towards the masjid and he passed by the car that had locked the masjid. 

Pulling down his window he yelled, "Brother, there is someone in the masjid! You should unlock it because they might be stuck!"

"Really? I have to get to work, I don't have time, here's the key brother."

Annoyed that he'd have to interact with the girl again, Mortaza got the masjid key and started unlocking the door. He walked into the masjid and she was there in the same spot, crying. 

"The masjid got locked and it's closing. I don't think you can continue being in here."

With her tear stricken eyes and swollen face, she looked super unattractive. Not only was she not physically attractive but her personality wasn't attractive. 

"Oh okay."

She tried getting up but her abaya got stuck under legs and she fell. 

"Ouchh. That hurt, sorry about that."

Cringing at the sight, Mortaza started walking out the door.

"Wait for me! I don't want to get locked inside again. Also aren't you the same guy from yesterday? What are you a stalker? Are you that obsessed with me?"

Hearing what she was saying Mortaza stopped in his tracks. 

"Obsessed with you? Stalker over you?"

"Um ya you heard me."

"I don't even know you. I came here to pray both yesterday and today, but you were there crying your eyes out over a celebrity. Also do you even know who I am? I'm the son of the famous religious family, so have some respect."

"Okay okay," she said while rolling her eyes. 

"I can't believe I drove back to unlock the masjid doors because I didn't want you locked inside."

"Wow what a hero I guess."

Turning back to face her and feeling angry. He realized he was being a version of himself he hadn't shown to anyone. 

Taking a deep breath he replied, "Okay anyways, take care, Salam walikum."

Taken aback at his change of tone, the girl wore her shoes and nodded back to him. 

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