Who are you?

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The day had passed and Mortaza had just came home from work. His apartment was empty and and quiet. He warmed up some food and sat at his table eating his food silently. He had never felt more lonely in his life. His whole life was him being the good kid. Going to the best school, being religious, and refraining from sin. But was this what all his hard work got him? A medicore dinner and an empty apartment. There had to be more to life than this, he thought. After finishing his meal he headed to pray, and after completing his first few rakats he felt sleepy and decided to take a nap. If only he had some sort of chador namaz (prayer scarf) or a pillow to rest his head on, but because he was too tired, he closed his eyes.

Ringgggg. Ringggggg. RINGGGGGGG. 

Startled, he grabs his phone, "Hello? Who is this?"

"Hey bro so the masjid youth is having a soccer match and we know you like soccer and we need someone to be on our team. You think you can head out here tonight"

"Sure let me just pray isha and I'll be there inshallah."

Once Mortaza arrived he was startled at the heights and buffness of the men their team would be versing. 

"Bro! Mortaza! Thank god you're here, we need at least one person whose tall and to their level."

"Haha okay, so when are we going to start the game?"

"In a bit, feel free to hang out around here."

Walking around and trying to distract himself with something, he picks up a water bottle and starts drinking it. 

"Okay Mortaza! The game is starting!"

Getting into position, Mortaza was chosen to be forward. He had the ball and was doing pretty well with it until a guy who was around his height kicked his ankle and stole the ball. Distracted by his ankle and in pain he tried getting the referee to call it a foul, but to no avail. His team lost. In the next game, he had the ball again, but the same guy kicked his ankle. 

"Bro we're really bad at this."

"Yeah but what it makes it worse is that guy that keeps kicking me in the ankle and the referee is never calling it a foul."

"Yeah bro, let's take a break and try again."

"Okay I'm going to use the bathroom real quick."

As Motaza started walking outside of the field to the public bathroom, that's when he overheard voices in the bathroom. 

"Isn't he just perfect? Not only did he steal the ball multiple times but he's literally the reason his team is winning."

Shaking his head in cringe he couldn't help but think if it was that god forsaken girl he keeps bumping into. Shrugging, he used the bathroom and started to walk back and that's when he saw that very same girl in the bleachers with her other friend. Rolling his eyes at the sight he walked back to his team. What did they even see in that guy? That guy is the definition of a horrible person. Kicking someone's ankle multiple times and being super aggressive. Guess gross people lie gross people, he thought. 

"Okay let's start the game! Ready set go!"

Annoyed at how he had been treated and at the squeals of those girls, Mortaza was able to keep the ball and make multiple shots. 

"Bro!!! We literally are close to winning because of you!! Good work!"

"Hahah of course."

Turning his head towards the beachers, he saw the two girls ignoring the game and laughing while looking at their phones. Cringed out again he decided to make a note to himself to pray to god later in the day to make sure he never bumps into that girl again. 

"What's up bro? You seem annoyed?"

"Oh it's nothing, I was just wondering who those girls were."

"Oh those two? One of them is the sister to one of our teammates and the other is her best friend..... Do you like them?"

"Me?! Like them? Are you kidding, of course not."

"Hahah okay yeah, I think she came with her brother and cousins."

"Oh okay. I don't why I keep bumping into her so much, so that's why I've been kind of over the edge haha."

"Yeah I get it totally, but I'm pretty sure that one named Sarah is interested in the guy that kept kicking you anyways."

"Really? Wow they're so perfect for each other."

"Yeah but I don't think he's into her."

"I mean you never know, love transcends all emotions. Hope the two of them come together."

"Yeah I guess bro anyways, I'm going to head home. See you!"

"Yeah see you!"

Mortaza walked to his care and started driving home. He didn't want to know anything about the girl, Sarah, but he keeps getting bombarded with more and more info about her. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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