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He walked up to me, a tint of pink evident in his cheeks. His friends were at the side, teasing him uncontrollably making him stop in his tracks, bite his lower lip, and averting his gaze. I couldn't see his face, and I couldn't understand what he was doing.

"Here." He says in a low voice, handing a bouquet to me.

My eyes widened at the sudden action, not knowing how to react. I could feel my heart pounding because of his presence, and now it seems as if it would jump out of my chest because of what he just did.

My trembling hands accepted the bouquet, but reality still hadn't sunk into me. I could feel my cheeks heat up, so I looked down, embarrassed of how red they would be.

"Girls like flowers...so I bought you that...t-they t-told me...." I heard him say. He pointed to his friends who just clapped and laughed at him.

"O-oh...thank you." I smiled. To be honest, I wasn't fond of flowers, but since he gave them to me with such effort, I think I'll change my mind.

"I hope you like it. Bye!" And he ran off. He sprinted as if the fastest being was chasing him as if his life depended on going away from his previous place. I laughed as I followed my gaze to where he was.

"Cute," I muttered to myself.

As I continued to walk toward the classroom, the backgrounds changed and suddenly I was in a church. There were a lot of people. They were smiling, they were happy. I was conscious of the way they looked at me. They followed every single action I did, which was to walk...no, I think even my breathing.

And when I realized it, I was holding a bouquet. I was...wearing a white gown. I was walking towards...the altar? My eyes widened at the realization. Am I...?

"Such a stunning young woman that is. Ah, weddings. I wished I had one too!" A woman on my left sighed, nearly tearing up.

I continued to walk until everything made sense. On the side, I saw my parents, my brothers and sisters, my relatives, and my friends. Some of them were already tearing up, some looked proud, and some looked so happy.

Am I...getting married?

As I turned to look forward, I was caught in a sudden overwhelming feeling of longing and love. There he was. My love. He was still just like his young self. He still hid his face which was almost too red like a tomato. And I see him sniffing with a handkerchief as well.

Ah, so this is it.

I feel so happy. I feel so peaceful.

I walked slowly and surely, even if I wanted to run to his arms and embrace him 'till forever. I thought to myself, do I deserve to feel such gratefulness and happiness today? But with my love, I'm more than thankful to share this special moment with him. It is our moment. It is the day we exchange vows in front of the Lord, our God.

It is to declare the joining of our souls,

"'Till death do us part."

His trembling hands slid the ring to my finger as he kept bawling his eyes out. I started laughing at how funny he looked but started to cry as well, feeling so much in my chest. After we had exchanged rings in front of the eyes of our Creator, our love had finally been sealed by a kiss to prove that even in the ups and downs of everything, even if the future scares us both, our love prevails. Our love creates the security for us to face the world together and love one another, in another life, in another world, in any lifetime.

It is only him I know that is good for my soul. And I hope he knows how much I love and adore him.

I threw the bouquet, but no one tried to catch it.

The scenery changed. The church disappeared, and everyone else as well. The sky was grayish, and we were surrounded by tombs. My eyebrows furrowed at such sight, getting curious as to what was happening–rather than where we are today.

As I look up, I see him holding a bouquet. He was now older. His hair had turned gray already. He was wearing eyeglasses. He looked pale, leaner, and lost. He looked...gloomy and numb.

I reached my hand to touch him, but I was shocked when I couldn't.

And when I looked over to where his gaze where, my eyes widened, again, for the last time as I saw my name on the tomb.

"H-how, how could this happen?" I cried out as I fell to my knees. One day we both were just lovers, and now fate decided to separate us?!

"Here's your monthly bouquet, my love. I hope you like this too." He smiled as he looked up to the sky. The tears were brimming in my eyes.

"W-why would...the world...separate us two?" I wiped my tears with my hands, yet it was no use. I was so used to him wiping these with his soft, delicate hands, telling me everything was going to be fine.

"Everything's going to be fine..."

"...my love...Everything will be. Someday we will be in each other's arms again, and no death can pull us apart. Please wait for me, sometime, my love. I hope you hear this. I hope you realize how great my love is for you." It seemed as if he heard my cries that he spoke such comforting words.

"In any place, in any lifetime, in any circumstance, I will choose to love you."

I couldn't help but cry even more. I simply smiled as I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder. I'm more than grateful to spend each day with you and to feel loved by you in many ways. I hope you feel my presence. I will patiently wait for you until we someday meet.

For now, I will watch over you and be a guide to your everyday living.

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